Re: I think, rsh is quite obsolete

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On 11/9/06, Karel Zak <kzak@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
  - around us are people who use non-Linux systems and rsh is very
    important for them

 Maybe we're already somewhere on the way between classic UNIX and
 Windows, but I think it's still to early to forget classic UNIX rule:

     The right tool for the job.

Yes assuredly... there are situations to use things like rsh and even
But the unanswered question here is.. can those situations be served
by moving this functionality into Extras and out of Core?  I believe
that they can. I also believe that continuing to narrow the focus of
Core and to keep Core technology-forward looking is important.

We need to be expanding the role that Extras plays in accomidating
advanced usage patterns.. even if those advanced usage patterns are
what some of us thing are traditional, normal use.  How do we make it
so we don't need to have all the legacy tools that we need in Core to
feel that our needs are being adequately met? How does Extras need to
be expanded so that we feel comfortable having our critically
important legacy tools live there?

-jef"I use rsh..but I don't need it in Core"spaleta

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