anaconda update time needs to be improved

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I have updated 3 boxes from FC5->FC6 (x86_64) using anaconda (booted from a DVD).
All three of them is nothing that can be called a slow machine:
AMD64 3000+ @ 4100+ (2.61ghz)
1024MB RAM
7200 RPM 2MB Cache IDE Seagate HDD 120GB
2) Laptop:
Core 2 Duo T7400 2x2.17Ghz 4MB shared L3 Cache
2048MB RAM
7200 RPM 8MB Cache SATA Hitatchi HDD 80GB
AMD Opteron 170 @ 2x2.7Ghz
2048MB RAM
2x120GB Hitatchi SATAII HDD 8MB Cache MD RAID0

Update time was ~90-120min depending on the sys.
Why does the update take that long? A reinstall is much faster..
I think that improving this should be a goal for FC7
Also why isn't it possible to install from a md raid partition? Should I fill a RFE?
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