Paul W. Frields wrote:
On Wed, 2006-09-20 at 18:25 -0500, Jay Cliburn wrote:
Xavier Toth wrote:
I downloaded the rawhide kernel sources and tried to make a i686 rpm.
Following the instructions on I ran 'rpmbuild
-bp --target i686 kernel-2.6.spec' then copied
configs/kernel-2.6.17-i686.config to .config and edited the Makefile
changing EXTRAVERSION = -prep to EXTRAVERSION = -1.2647.fc6. I then
did a 'make oldconfig' (unclear why this is necessary since the copied
a prebuilt config file already) and then 'make rpm'. The result of the
make is rpmbuild/RPMS/i386/kernel- and
there are several issues with this:
1) a i386 rpm was produced not a i686 rpm
2) the EXTRAVERSION losses its '-' and so is run up against the kernel
version in the file name ''
Are the instruction correct? Are these bugs in the build system?
Despite what anyone on this list tells you to the contrary, the dash _will_ be
removed when you run "make rpm".
See ~/rpmbuild/BUILD/kernel-<vers>/linux-<vers>/scripts/package/Makefile at line 30.
Also see this thread.
So yes, the Release Notes are incorrect. You need to use a period, not a dash,
in the EXTRAVERSION field if you intend to "make rpm".
The Release Notes don't address specifically building a new kernel RPM.
The typical Fedora-specific way for building the kernel AIUI would be to
use rpmbuild and the specfile, as for other RPMs. Doing so makes
EXTRAVERSION work as expected, and (when using --target=i686) generates
the expected .i686.rpm kernel(s). I'll add a sentence or two to the
Release Notes that discusses this.
Could you include them here now also, please?
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