Warren Togami wrote:
We are now attempting to fix some last minute problems. Your help would
be greatly appreciated in finding solutions for the problems listed in
the above FC5 Blocker list.
Your testing of rawhide nightly tree installs (while not guaranteed to
work) is very valuable at this point. We need to know if there are any
critical installation issues that would effect FC5 install, like the
nasty Bug #159026. Please also test upgrades of FC3 or FC4 systems to
the nightly rawhide tree and report any problems that you see to Bugzilla.
Bugzilla is the official and best way to get reports to the developers.
Complaints posted only to a mailing list are very likely to be lost in
the bulk. Bug reports have status, comments and resolution states so at
least there is a chance of tracking your issue.
Thank you for using Fedora.
Warren Togami
During install of todays development tree, could not mount the home LV
during firstboot. Had to use selinux=0 kernel parm in grub.conf.
Old Fart
(my reply-to address is "munged" to defeat spambots)
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