Mike A. Harris wrote:
The latest xorg-x11-drv-* driver packages contain videoaliases
files for kudzu et al. to use for video card autodetection and
driver mapping.
If you have a video card which is assigned the "vesa" driver
from the above test, then it is either not supported by the
drivers, or we're missing a PCI ID to driver mapping for that
card/chip. To determine if it is supported by the driver,
hand edit the xorg.conf and replace the vesa driver with the
native X driver for the particular vendor. ie: "nv" for
Nvidia, "ati" for ATI, etc., and test to see if X starts up.
2/6/06 rawhide ati driver xorg-x11-drv-ati- still detects
radeon 9200 AGP as vesa. BZ 180001 updated.
Old Fart
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