Re: status of up2date and rhn-applet

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On 11/26/2005 12:39:07 AM, Jeremy Katz wrote:
One thing that's fundamentally different with pup is that we're trying
to get away from the package being (necessarily) the point of
granularity.  The hope is that we can actually get the update
information available via the yum metadata so that we can instead
provide more useful update information such as --
  "New version of apache httpd daemon to fix security vulnerability foo"
and then have all of the packages which are a part of that advisory
grouped together rather than requiring you to know that you need all of
httpd, httpd-devel and mod_ssl as a bunch.  Since we don't have that
metadata currently available (and never will for the development tree
and probably also some other repositories), the fallback is to grouping
packages by source RPM.
That would be very cool. But dependancies already tend to bring in those  
bunches together, don't they?
Regards, Willem Riede.

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