Re: F43 Change Proposal RPM 6.0 (system-wide)

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Dne 11. 03. 25 v 10:36 dop. Panu Matilainen napsal(a):
It's exactly for reasons like this that rpm will not even try to automatically setup the signing - it has no way of knowing what the right thing is.

Mock has it's own signing plugin, rpm wont interfere with it:

Hmm, but this plugin is not enabled by default. And it is not even enabled in Copr where packages are signed after Mock finishes and passed to obs-sign.

Can you provide a Copr project with RPM 6.0 build that I can try (I did not find it in the Change document)?

Miroslav Suchy, RHCA
Red Hat, Manager, Packit and CPT, #brno, #fedora-buildsys

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