Re: F43 Change Proposal RPM 6.0 (system-wide)

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On Mon, Mar 10, 2025 at 12:44:44PM +0000, Aoife Moloney via devel-announce wrote:
> Wiki -
> Discussion thread -
> This is a proposed Change for Fedora Linux.
> This document represents a proposed Change. As part of the Changes
> process, proposals are publicly announced in order to receive
> community feedback. This proposal will only be implemented if approved
> by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee.
> == Summary ==
> Update RPM to the upcoming 6.0 major release.
> == Owner ==
> * Name: [[User:Pmatilai| Panu Matilainen]]
> * Email: pmatilai@xxxxxxxxxx

> == Benefit to Fedora ==
> The major theme in 6.0 is increased security and related improvements:
> * enforcing signature checking on by default


> * support for automatic signing on package build (mainly for local use)

Can someone elaborate on how this will work in practice ?

Will RPM be autogenerate a local key per machine for the purpose
of automatic signatures, that is already in the trusted keyring ?

ie, so that 'rpmbuild ...spec && sudo rpm -ivh ...' will "just work" ?

If so, how will this work if you add mock into the mix? Will the
mock env use the local signing key from the "host" install, as
opposed to a different local signing key in the mock chroot ?
Or will we need to get the key used by mock and register it on
the "host", in order to then install the just built package ?

Also same question, but building in mock and then transferring
the package over to a different machine for installation ? Can
the local signing key from mock be easily transferred too ?

> == Upgrade/compatibility impact ==
> * Existing package build+install workflows may need to be adjusted due
> to enforced signature checking being the default.
> * 3rd party scripts and tools may need adjusting to the new key
> addressing format and other signature related output changes.

I presume the intent is that the (probably many) regressions that these
changes will trigger, will *not* be considered justification to trigger
the contingency plan, unless the impact unexpectedly severe ?

IOW, we're fully expecting stuff to break and users are expected to
do the work to fix compatibility asap.

> == Contingency Plan ==
> * Contingency mechanism: Revert back to RPM 4.20
> * Contingency deadline: Beta freeze
> * Blocks release? No

With regards,
|:      -o- :|
|:         -o-   :|
|:    -o- :|

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