Re: What is Konflux? What is Fedora Build System was Re: Konflux: What is the right time?

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On Mon, Mar 10, 2025 at 11:56:43AM -0400, Stephen Smoogen wrote:
> Having tried to dive into Konflux for a bit, I think the major problem is
> that it keeps getting referred to in the wrong format. It isn't a koji
> replacement, it is a Fedora Build System replacement.

Yes, 100%. But I think this is a direct consquence of how Konflux is
being presented. There have been a few talks about building containers
and a few talks about building rpms, but very little discussion of how
the other parts would be provided, e.g. display of test results or tracking
of update status… I would guess that that functionality is actually much
more complex then just building things.

> The idea for 'Konflux' is to try and redesign the factory by first making
> everything 'visible' and using the same backbone resources. As I read
> through various things, I see certain parallels between it and microkernel
> operating systems. If my view is somewhat correct, then Konflux is a
> micro-kernel which will primarily do the low level resource and message
> passing that the various internal services are plumbed into. Other parts
> would be done in purpose written services which are meant to do one thing
> only. Some other tooling inside would be checking in/out source code,
> setting up builders, sending source and different spec files to the
> builder, sending the outputs to a testing system, getting the passed
> material to its next 'destinations'. These would all be 'registered' and
> their interactions should be 'visible' so that if XYZ is broken we know
> that ABC may still work but EDF won't

Yes, that description makes a lot of sense. I would love to see
presentations about Konflux at this level. Ideally, with a lot more
details, incl. what parts are supposed to stay and what is intended
to be rewritten from scratch.

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