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# #meeting:fedoraproject.org: eln
Meeting started by @yselkowitz:fedora.im at 2025-02-27 20:00:34
Meeting summary
* TOPIC: Init process (@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 20:00:56)
* TOPIC: Agenda (@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 20:05:41)
* TOPIC: New business (@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 20:07:03)
* LINK: https://github.com/fedora-eln/eln/issues/226
(@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 20:08:52)
* LINK: https://github.com/fedora-eln/eln/issues/228
(@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 20:09:06)
* LINK: https://github.com/fedora-eln/eln/issues/229
(@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 20:09:15)
* TOPIC: Old business (@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 20:31:47)
* LINK: https://github.com/fedora-eln/eln/issues/192
(@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 20:32:02)
* AGREED: Troy's overall design is chosen, with details tbd
(@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 20:50:07)
* AGREED: there should be no "spilled" relish next to the ELN logo
(@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 20:59:52)
* INFO: further decisions to be made at the next meeting
(@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 21:01:13)
* TOPIC: Open Floor (@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 21:01:26)
Meeting ended at 2025-02-27 21:02:53
Action items
People Present (lines said)
* @yselkowitz:fedora.im (72)
* @conan_kudo:matrix.org (29)
* @salimma:fedora.im (27)
* @tdawson:fedora.im (25)
* @sgallagh:fedora.im (16)
* @nhanlon:beeper.com (5)
* @zodbot:fedora.im (5)
* @davide:cavalca.name (4)
* @churchyard:fedora.im (3)
* @meetbot:fedora.im (3)
Yaakov Selkowitz
Principal Software Engineer, Emerging RHEL
Red Hat, Inc.
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