Need help with package review and sponsor: bign-handheld-thumbnailer

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Hello all,

My name is Mateus, I'm the developer of bign-handheld-thumbnailer [1],
a thumbnailer for both Nintendo DS and 3DS roms.
bign-handheld-thumbnailer is developed in Rust and effectively
replaces gnome-nds-thumbnailer [2], developed in C from many years
If you follow This Week in GNOME you might have seen my project there
a few times.

So, since thumbnailers are currently something that has to be
available on the host, I wanted to add it to repos, either me
packaging it or with someone else as a packager is fine.

I have submitted a review request on bugzilla [3], the spec is hosted
on pagure [4] and I have a COPR repo [5] based on that spec.
I might also need some help with a sponsor, as I am not sure if I
should request it already or wait until the review process goes

In any case, I released version 1.1.2 a few days ago and since
gnome-nds-thumbnailer isn't in the repos anymore, it would be
beneficial to have a software that fits this use case.
Seems like for now it's only available on the AUR and nix [6].


Thanks for your time,
Mateus Rodrigues Costa
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