Re: RFC: Additional checkpoint for major toolchain updates before mass rebuild

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Dne 28. 01. 25 v 19:18 Kevin Fenzi napsal(a):
On Tue, Jan 28, 2025 at 11:19:02AM +0100, Vít Ondruch wrote:
I think we should stop and think again why we do mass rebuilds and why we do
them prior release. "The goal is to rebuild every single Fedora package,
regardless of content, before the Fedora 41 Change Deadline." [1] is not
very elaborated and I was not able to find anything better.
So, would it surprise you to learn that we (at least in the past) didn't
do mass rebuilds every cycle?

I am aware of that.

The policy (as I understand it) is that we schedule mass rebuilds when
there are approved changes that have requested that.

This time we have:

I am not sure why Ruby is there

Interesting. We are doing minimass rebuild for Ruby and I think it is enough.

... the sbin change does mention mass
rebuild, but the toolchain one explicitly asks for one.

So why won't we postpone the mass rebuild after branching? That would IMHO
provide the most user visible change and that is the change of dist tag. And
it would provide the information about the general state of packages.
Mass rebuilding which? Rawhide or the new branched? Or both?

I am talking about Rawhide

rawhide would be fine, but all those changes would have to be made again
in branched when found.

Are you speaking about changes due to updated toolchain? As I elaborated elsewhere, I don't think they need to be fixed.

Do we actually know what percentage of packages is touched after branching? One might argue that doing the mass rebuild after branching would increase the number, but I don't think it would change anything. I believe that only the relevant changes would be backported when needed.


branched would be bad because then we would have to fix rawhide, but
rawhide is supposed to be ahead of branched so we are working backwards.

both is a gigantic waste of resources, double builds, more bugs, more
churn for maintainers.


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