Re: RFC: Additional checkpoint for major toolchain updates before mass rebuild

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On 2025-01-27 14:55, Michal Schorm wrote:
Alright, thanks for the explanation.

In that case, I think the RFC is a step in the right direction,
but I don't see it being useful, unless the change owners do the extra
step and file the FTBFS bugs to notify the maintainers.
They can do it already, but don't. Making them finish the change
sooner IMO won't make them to also create the tickets.

In general, I'd like to see any change owner to be responsible for
dependent package breakages to at least the degree of notifying the
maintainer by filling the FTBFS ticket.
Huge sets of wildly interconnected packages are one of the cores of
any distribution, and thoughtfulness is necessary.

Like Fabio mentioned, we already do this and tend to have that information but don't communicate until we have determined that it is relevant and as it happened this time around, it was too late. The main reason why we hold on to the information is that we want to avoid bothering package maintainers until we have understood the failures to be due to, e.g. new diagnostics but maybe it's better to communicate earlier and it be punted back to gcc than to wait too long to communicate the issue.

As I mentioned in the Fesco issue, I reckon it's far more useful to have a change checkpoint even earlier (~ a month before mass rebuild) where we publish our mass *prebuild* results (we do this in December) for a gcc and instead of waiting to sift through the results ourselves, we file FTBFS bugs right away so that package maintainers have visibility to the failures. Having the toolchain update in rawhide should maybe then be a less important checkpoint.


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