As the SPDX Change slowly finishes I focused on the license that I regularly report as:
warning: not valid neither as Callaway nor as SPDX, please check
These are license tags that are hard to automatically parse. It
include texts like "GPLv1 AND/OR GPLv2", free form description of
exceptions, licenses that were not listed in old Licensing wiki
etc. And sometimes just a typo.
If your package is listed below, I will be very glad if you check
your License tag and convert it to SPDX formula.
The general guidance for conversion is
But if you still need a guidance, then please let me know. Either
here publicly or off-list.
Maintainers by
Mayavi chedi orion
OpenSceneGraph smani
R-IRanges spot
R-lubridate qulogic
ags rathann
angelfish kkofler thunderbirdtr
avogadro2-libs sagitter
bacula slaanesh
bsh didiksupriadi41 mizdebsk
clamav gnat mstevens nb orion pwouters robert
sergiomb steve
clementine eclipseo
collectl kzak sharkcz
dcfldd rebus
dumpasn1 fkooman
fcitx5-mozc music yanqiyu
fedora-remix-logos spot
fedora-workstation-backgrounds duffy luya ryanlerch
filebench hushan
generic-release bruno mohanboddu spot
ghc-control-monad-free mathstuf petersen
ghc-http-client qulogic
golang-github-apache-arrow mikelo2
golang-gopkg-yaml-1 mikelo2
gstreamer1-doc wtaymans
guayadeque martinkg
hibernate-jpa-2.0-api jjelen
hydra rcallicotte rebus
icecat kengert sagitter
innotop echevemaster fale lbazan
jam spot
jbosscache-support orphan
julia nalimilan
julius spot
kclock thunderbirdtr
khealthcertificate ngompa thunderbirdtr
kmag aleasto rdieter than
konsole rdieter than
kpublictransport ngompa thunderbirdtr
kscreen rdieter
libcxx nikic sergesanspaille spot tstellar tuliom
libkomparediff2 jgrulich kkofler rdieter than
libtimidity aekoroglu jwrdegoede sagitter
libva-intel-hybrid-driver kwizart
lmms thm
lumina-desktop tieugene
maatkit slankes
man-pages-l10n ljavorsk mfabian nforro
man2html orion patches sergiomb
mingw-wxWidgets sailer
mingw-wxWidgets3 sailer
mxml kevin
nikto huzaifas rebus
ogre dtimms ignatenkobrain sergiomb
opencascade hobbes1069
openjfx deamn
openjfx8 deamn
perl-CDDB_get jplesnik ppisar
perl-Crypt-Blowfish ixs
perl-Date-HolidayParser ppisar
perl-Devel-Caller-IgnoreNamespaces eseyman
perl-Lingua-Preferred eseyman xavierb
perl-LockFile-Simple ixs
perl-RPC-XML hobbes1069 jplesnik ppisar
perl-Statistics-CaseResampling jplesnik ppisar
perl-Test-Run jplesnik ppisar
perl-Tie-Hash-MultiValue ppisar
perl-Unicode-CheckUTF8 pghmcfc
perl-XML-Tiny cicku eseyman
perl-forks ppisar
perl-qooxdoo-compat terjeros
php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer cdamian remi
phpMyAdmin remi robert
plasma-mobile farchord
pokerth pwalter
publican jfearn rlandmann
pypy churchyard thrnciar
pypy3.10 churchyard
pypy3.9 churchyard thrnciar
python-cclib sagitter
python-pyface chedi ignatenkobrain orion
python-traitsui chedi ignatenkobrain orion
python-utmp jpopelka tuju
python-wxpython4 swt2c
qcad sagitter
qmmp kvolny
qt5-qtfeedback jgrulich rdieter
rgbds blowry
rubygem-rdoc vondruch
rubygem-xmlparser schwicke
rust-btrd dcavalca
rust-dutree kalev
rust-gmp-mpfr-sys dcavalca
rust-ifcfg-devname jamacku
rust-nettle decathorpe
rust-nettle-sys decathorpe
rust-oxipng music
rust-rav1e decathorpe
rust-rpick bowlofeggs
rust-ybaas decathorpe
rust-yubibomb decathorpe
rust-zbase32 decathorpe
scantailor xhorak
scummvm chkr lucilanga
simple-scan amigadave dodji ignatenkobrain slaanesh
skf mtasaka
stun huzaifas
texlive jnovy spot than
texlive-base spot than
thc-ipv6 neil robert
tkimg spot
tlog jstephen nkondras
uboot-tools ausil pbrobinson sharkcz
vakzination farchord thunderbirdtr
virtualbox-guest-additions jwrdegoede sergiomb
w3m robert
webkitgtk catanzaro
wsdlpull denisarnaud
wwl jskarvad
wxGTK mystro256 swt2c
wxsqlite3 martinkg
xmedcon ankursinha
yakuake rdieter
Packages by maintainer:
aekoroglu libtimidity
aleasto kmag
amigadave simple-scan
ankursinha xmedcon
ausil uboot-tools
blowry rgbds
bowlofeggs rust-rpick
bruno generic-release
catanzaro webkitgtk
cdamian php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer
chedi Mayavi python-pyface python-traitsui
chkr scummvm
churchyard pypy pypy3.10 pypy3.9
cicku perl-XML-Tiny
dcavalca rust-btrd rust-gmp-mpfr-sys
deamn openjfx openjfx8
decathorpe rust-nettle rust-nettle-sys rust-rav1e rust-ybaas
rust-yubibomb rust-zbase32
denisarnaud wsdlpull
didiksupriadi41 bsh
dodji simple-scan
dtimms ogre
duffy fedora-workstation-backgrounds
echevemaster innotop
eclipseo clementine
eseyman perl-Devel-Caller-IgnoreNamespaces
perl-Lingua-Preferred perl-XML-Tiny
fale innotop
farchord plasma-mobile vakzination
fkooman dumpasn1
gnat clamav
hobbes1069 opencascade perl-RPC-XML
hushan filebench
huzaifas nikto stun
ignatenkobrain ogre python-pyface python-traitsui simple-scan
ixs perl-Crypt-Blowfish perl-LockFile-Simple
jamacku rust-ifcfg-devname
jfearn publican
jgrulich libkomparediff2 qt5-qtfeedback
jjelen hibernate-jpa-2.0-api
jnovy texlive
jplesnik perl-CDDB_get perl-RPC-XML
perl-Statistics-CaseResampling perl-Test-Run
jpopelka python-utmp
jskarvad wwl
jstephen tlog
jwrdegoede libtimidity virtualbox-guest-additions
kalev rust-dutree
kengert icecat
kevin mxml
kkofler angelfish libkomparediff2
kvolny qmmp
kwizart libva-intel-hybrid-driver
kzak collectl
lbazan innotop
ljavorsk man-pages-l10n
lucilanga scummvm
luya fedora-workstation-backgrounds
martinkg guayadeque wxsqlite3
mathstuf ghc-control-monad-free
mfabian man-pages-l10n
mikelo2 golang-github-apache-arrow golang-gopkg-yaml-1
mizdebsk bsh
mohanboddu generic-release
mstevens clamav
mtasaka skf
music fcitx5-mozc rust-oxipng
mystro256 wxGTK
nalimilan julia
nb clamav
neil thc-ipv6
nforro man-pages-l10n
ngompa khealthcertificate kpublictransport
nikic libcxx
nkondras tlog
orion Mayavi clamav man2html python-pyface python-traitsui
orphan jbosscache-support
patches man2html
pbrobinson uboot-tools
petersen ghc-control-monad-free
pghmcfc perl-Unicode-CheckUTF8
ppisar perl-CDDB_get perl-Date-HolidayParser perl-RPC-XML
perl-Statistics-CaseResampling perl-Test-Run
perl-Tie-Hash-MultiValue perl-forks
pwalter pokerth
pwouters clamav
qulogic R-lubridate ghc-http-client
rathann ags
rcallicotte hydra
rdieter kmag konsole kscreen libkomparediff2 qt5-qtfeedback
rebus dcfldd hydra nikto
remi php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer phpMyAdmin
rlandmann publican
robert clamav phpMyAdmin thc-ipv6 w3m
ryanlerch fedora-workstation-backgrounds
sagitter avogadro2-libs icecat libtimidity python-cclib qcad
sailer mingw-wxWidgets mingw-wxWidgets3
schwicke rubygem-xmlparser
sergesanspaille libcxx
sergiomb clamav man2html ogre virtualbox-guest-additions
sharkcz collectl uboot-tools
slaanesh bacula simple-scan
slankes maatkit
smani OpenSceneGraph
spot R-IRanges fedora-remix-logos generic-release jam
julius libcxx texlive texlive-base tkimg
steve clamav
swt2c python-wxpython4 wxGTK
terjeros perl-qooxdoo-compat
than kmag konsole libkomparediff2 texlive texlive-base
thm lmms
thrnciar pypy pypy3.9
thunderbirdtr angelfish kclock khealthcertificate
kpublictransport vakzination
tieugene lumina-desktop
tstellar libcxx
tuju python-utmp
tuliom libcxx
vondruch rubygem-rdoc
wtaymans gstreamer1-doc
xavierb perl-Lingua-Preferred
xhorak scantailor
yanqiyu fcitx5-mozc
-- Miroslav Suchy, RHCA Red Hat, Manager, Packit and CPT, #brno, #fedora-buildsys
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