On 8/10/23 15:43, Andrew Heath wrote:
My name is Andrew, and I have been working with the Fedora Infra team and we are trying to
create some RPMs for some projects that we are working on, one of the RPMs we need to create
is for the Ansible receptor[1 <https://github.com/ansible/receptor>]. I have a copy of the
spec file from downstream Red Hat that gives some guidance but where its a mix of python and
go-lang I was wondering if I could have some guidance from more experienced packers on how
to package up the application correctly so that we can get the package in use for the Fedora
[1]: https://github.com/ansible/receptor <https://github.com/ansible/receptor>
Andrew Heath
aheath1992@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:aheath1992@xxxxxxxxx>
Ok, let's roll, you will end up with a Frankstein SPEC, be warned. Here is the process:
Let's start with:
$ go2rpm github.com/ansible/receptor --name receptor
We clean up a bit the description, the docs and we got:
# receptor.spec
# Generated by go2rpm 1.9.0
%bcond_without check
# https://github.com/ansible/receptor
%global goipath github.com/ansible/receptor
Version: 1.4.1
%gometa -f
%global goname receptor
%global common_description %{expand:
Receptor is an overlay network intended to ease the distribution of work across
a large and dispersed collection of workers. Receptor nodes establish
peer-to-peer connections with each other via existing networks. Once connected,
the Receptor mesh provides datagram (UDP-like) and stream (TCP-like)
capabilities to applications, as well as robust unit-of-work handling with
resiliency against transient network failures.
See the readthedocs page for Receptor at:
%global golicenses LICENSE.md
%global godocs docs tools README.md
Name: %{goname}
Release: %autorelease
Summary: Multi-service relayer with remote execution and orchestration capabilities
License: Apache-2.0
URL: %{gourl}
Source: %{gosource}
%description %{common_description}
%autopatch -p1
mv receptor-python-worker/README.md README-receptor-python-worker.md
mv receptorctl/README.md README-receptorctl.md
%gobuild -o %{gobuilddir}/bin/receptor %{goipath}/cmd/receptor-cl
install -m 0755 -vd %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
install -m 0755 -vp %{gobuilddir}/bin/* %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/
%if %{with check}
%license LICENSE.md
%doc docs tools README.md
Let's do a mockbuild on this and see what deps are needed for the Go binary:
$ spectool -g *.spec
$ fedpkg --release f40 mockbuild --mock-config /home/bob/packaging/mock2.cfg -N
Ok I had to make a small detour and send a patch upstream to work with Go 1.21 with is in F40:
# https://github.com/ansible/receptor/pull/816
Patch: 0001-Bump-quic-go-to-0.37.4.patch
Ok now we have our missing dependencies:
No matching package to install: 'golang(github.com/ghjm/cmdline)'
No matching package to install: 'golang(github.com/jupp0r/go-priority-queue)'
No matching package to install: 'golang(github.com/pbnjay/memory)'
No matching package to install: 'golang(github.com/prep/socketpair)'
rpmname.py github.com/ghjm/cmdline \
github.com/jupp0r/go-priority-queue \
github.com/pbnjay/memory \
We thus need to package these new packages:
You need to run go2rpm for each package. I've build them, there is no dependency hell, they
scratch build ok against Rawhide.
So now, we hit a snag during the build:
# github.com/ansible/receptor/pkg/workceptor
exec.StreamWithContext undefined (type "k8s.io/client-go/tools/remotecommand".Executor has
no field or method StreamWithContext)
Our Kubernetes in Fedora is outdated. So we'll need to update it before being able to build
For now we'll take the bundled route, we add a bundled condition, add an archive with
vendored deps and stuff.
# Generated by go2rpm 1.9.0
%bcond_without check
%bcond_without bundled
%if %{defined rhel}
%bcond_without bundled
# https://github.com/ansible/receptor
%global goipath github.com/ansible/receptor
Version: 1.4.1
%gometa -f
%global goname receptor
%global common_description %{expand:
Receptor is an overlay network intended to ease the distribution of work across
a large and dispersed collection of workers. Receptor nodes establish
peer-to-peer connections with each other via existing networks. Once connected,
the Receptor mesh provides datagram (UDP-like) and stream (TCP-like)
capabilities to applications, as well as robust unit-of-work handling with
resiliency against transient network failures.
See the readthedocs page for Receptor at:
%global golicenses LICENSE.md %{?with_bundled:vendor/modules.txt}
%global godocs docs tools README.md
Name: %{goname}
Release: %autorelease
Summary: Multi-service relayer with remote execution and orchestration capabilities
# License for github.com/ansible/receptor: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/creack/pty: MIT
# License for github.com/davecgh/go-spew: ISC
# License for github.com/emicklei/go-restful/v3: MIT
# License for github.com/fortytw2/leaktest: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/ghjm/cmdline: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/go-logr/logr: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/go-openapi/jsonreference: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/go-openapi/swag: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/go-task/slim-sprig: MIT
# License for github.com/gogo/protobuf: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4: MIT
# License for github.com/golang/mock: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/golang/protobuf: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/google/gnostic: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/google/go-cmp: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/google/gofuzz: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/google/pprof: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/google/shlex: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/google/uuid: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/gorilla/websocket: BSD-2-Clause
# License for github.com/imdario/mergo: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/josharian/intern: MIT
# License for github.com/json-iterator/go: MIT
# License for github.com/jupp0r/go-priority-queue: MIT
# License for github.com/mailru/easyjson: MIT
# License for github.com/minio/highwayhash: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/moby/spdystream: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/modern-go/concurrent: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/modern-go/reflect2: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/munnerz/goautoneg: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2: MIT
# License for github.com/pbnjay/memory: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/pmezard/go-difflib: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/prep/socketpair: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/quic-go/qtls-go1-19: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/quic-go/qtls-go1-20: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/quic-go/quic-go: MIT
# License for github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/songgao/water: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/spf13/pflag: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/stretchr/testify: MIT
# License for github.com/vishvananda/netlink: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/vishvananda/netns: Apache-2.0
# License for golang.org/x/crypto: BSD-3-Clause
# License for golang.org/x/exp: BSD-3-Clause
# License for golang.org/x/mod: BSD-3-Clause
# License for golang.org/x/net: BSD-3-Clause
# License for golang.org/x/oauth2: BSD-3-Clause
# License for golang.org/x/sys: BSD-3-Clause
# License for golang.org/x/term: BSD-3-Clause
# License for golang.org/x/text: BSD-3-Clause
# License for golang.org/x/time: BSD-3-Clause
# License for golang.org/x/tools: BSD-3-Clause
# License for google.golang.org/appengine: Apache-2.0
# License for google.golang.org/protobuf: BSD-3-Clause
# License for gopkg.in/inf.v0: BSD-3-Clause
# License for gopkg.in/yaml.v2: Apache-2.0 AND MIT
# License for gopkg.in/yaml.v3: MIT AND Apache-2.0
# License for k8s.io/api: Apache-2.0
# License for k8s.io/apimachinery: Apache-2.0
# License for k8s.io/client-go: Apache-2.0
# License for k8s.io/klog/v2: Apache-2.0
# License for k8s.io/kube-openapi: Apache-2.0
# License for k8s.io/utils: Apache-2.0
# License for sigs.k8s.io/json: Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause
# License for sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4: Apache-2.0
# License for sigs.k8s.io/yaml: MIT AND BSD-3-Clause
License: Apache-2.0 AND ISC AND MIT AND BSD-3-Clause AND BSD-2-Clause
URL: %{gourl}
Source: %{gosource}
Source: vendor-%{version}.tar.gz
Source: bundle_go_deps_for_rpm.sh
# https://github.com/ansible/receptor/pull/816
Patch: 0001-Bump-quic-go-to-0.37.4.patch
%if %{with bundled}
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/ansible/receptor) = 1.4.1
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/creack/pty) = 1.1.18
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/davecgh/go-spew) = 1.1.1
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/emicklei/go-restful/v3) = 3.10.2
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/fortytw2/leaktest) = 1.3.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify) = 1.6.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/ghjm/cmdline) = 0.1.2
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/go-logr/logr) = 1.2.4
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer) = 0.19.6
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/go-openapi/jsonreference) = 0.20.2
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/go-openapi/swag) = 0.22.3
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/go-task/slim-sprig) = 0.0.0-20230315git52ccab3
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/gogo/protobuf) = 1.3.2
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4) = 4.5.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/golang/mock) = 1.6.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/golang/protobuf) = 1.5.3
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/google/gnostic) = 0.6.9
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/google/go-cmp) = 0.5.9
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/google/gofuzz) = 1.2.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/google/pprof) = 0.0.0-20230502git255e3b9
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/google/shlex) = 0.0.0-20191202gite7afc7f
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/google/uuid) = 1.3.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/gorilla/websocket) = 1.5.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/imdario/mergo) = 0.3.15
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/josharian/intern) = 1.0.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/json-iterator/go) = 1.1.12
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/jupp0r/go-priority-queue) = 0.0.0-20160601gitab10738
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/mailru/easyjson) = 0.7.7
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/minio/highwayhash) = 1.0.2
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/moby/spdystream) = 0.2.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/modern-go/concurrent) = 0.0.0-20180306gitbacd9c7
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/modern-go/reflect2) = 1.0.2
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/munnerz/goautoneg) = 0.0.0-20191010gita7dc8b6
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2) = 2.9.4
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/pbnjay/memory) = 0.0.0-20210728git7b4eea6
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/pmezard/go-difflib) = 1.0.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/prep/socketpair) = 0.0.0-20171228gitc2c6a7f
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/quic-go/qtls-go1-19) = 0.3.2
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/quic-go/qtls-go1-20) = 0.2.2
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/quic-go/quic-go) = 0.34.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal) = 1.10.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/songgao/water) = 0.0.0-20200317git2b4b6d7
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/spf13/pflag) = 1.0.5
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/stretchr/testify) = 1.8.1
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/vishvananda/netlink) = 1.1.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/vishvananda/netns) = 0.0.4
Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/crypto) = 0.8.0
Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/exp) = 0.0.0-20230425git47ecfdc
Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/mod) = 0.10.0
Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/net) = 0.9.0
Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/oauth2) = 0.7.0
Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/sys) = 0.8.0
Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/term) = 0.8.0
Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/text) = 0.9.0
Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/time) = 0.3.0
Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/tools) = 0.8.0
Provides: bundled(golang(google.golang.org/appengine) = 1.6.7
Provides: bundled(golang(google.golang.org/protobuf) = 1.30.0
Provides: bundled(golang(gopkg.in/inf.v0) = 0.9.1
Provides: bundled(golang(gopkg.in/yaml.v2) = 2.4.0
Provides: bundled(golang(gopkg.in/yaml.v3) = 3.0.1
Provides: bundled(golang(k8s.io/api) = 0.27.1
Provides: bundled(golang(k8s.io/apimachinery) = 0.27.1
Provides: bundled(golang(k8s.io/client-go) = 0.27.1
Provides: bundled(golang(k8s.io/klog/v2) = 2.100.1
Provides: bundled(golang(k8s.io/kube-openapi) = 0.0.0-20230501git8b0f38b
Provides: bundled(golang(k8s.io/utils) = 0.0.0-20230505git9f67429
Provides: bundled(golang(sigs.k8s.io/json) = 0.0.0-20221116gitbc3834c
Provides: bundled(golang(sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4) = 4.2.3
Provides: bundled(golang(sigs.k8s.io/yaml) = 1.3.0
%description %{common_description}
%if %{with bundled}
%goprep -k
# unpack vendored dependencies
%setup -q -T -D -a 1 -n %{name}-%{version}
%autopatch -p1
mv receptor-python-worker/README.md README-receptor-python-worker.md
mv receptorctl/README.md README-receptorctl.md
%if %{without bundled}
%if %{with bundled}
export GO111MODULE=on
export GOFLAGS=-mod=vendor
export LDFLAGS="-X 'github.com/ansible/receptor/internal/version.Version=%{VERSION}' "
%gobuild -o %{gobuilddir}/bin/receptor %{goipath}/cmd/receptor-cl
install -m 0755 -vd %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
install -m 0755 -vp %{gobuilddir}/bin/* %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/
%if %{with check}
export PATH="%{gobuilddir}/bin:$PATH"
# Disable various test relying on Kube and network
%gocheck -t tests/functional/mesh
%license LICENSE.md %{?with_bundled:vendor/modules.txt}
%doc docs tools README.md
Ok, it works:
INFO: Done(/home/bob/packaging/receptor/receptor-1.4.1-1.fc40.src.rpm) Config(mock-golang5)
46 minutes 59 seconds
INFO: Results and/or logs in: /home/bob/packaging/receptor/results_receptor/1.4.1/1.fc40
Finish: run
Now we need to add the Python parts. This is actually way more tricky because the Python
macros are not designed
to work with multiple packages inside one repo. It can handles "extra" packages but not
independent packages.
So we have to rewrite the macros slightly, yay:
%define pyproject_install() %{expand:\\\
specifier=$(ls %{_pyproject_wheeldir}/*.whl | xargs basename --multiple | sed -E
TMPDIR="%{_pyproject_builddir}" %{__python3} -m pip install --root %{buildroot} --prefix
%{_prefix} --no-deps --disable-pip-version-check --progress-bar off --verbose
--ignore-installed --no-warn-script-location --no-index --no-cache-dir --find-links
%{_pyproject_wheeldir} $specifier
if [ -d %{buildroot}%{_bindir} ]; then
%py3_shebang_fix %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/*
rm -rfv %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/__pycache__
rm -f %{_pyproject_ghost_distinfo}
# Process %%{python3_sitelib} if exists
if [ -d %{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib} ]; then
site_dirs+=( "%{python3_sitelib}" )
# Process %%{python3_sitearch} if exists and does not equal to %%{python3_sitelib}
if [ %{buildroot}%{python3_sitearch} != %{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib} ] && [ -d
%{buildroot}%{python3_sitearch} ]; then
site_dirs+=( "%{python3_sitearch}" )
# Process all *.dist-info dirs in sitelib/sitearch
for site_dir in ${site_dirs[@]}; do
for distinfo in %{buildroot}$site_dir/*.dist-info; do
project_name=$(basename "$distinfo" | cut -d'-' -f1)
%global _pyproject_record
sed -i 's/pip/rpm/' ${distinfo}/INSTALLER
PYTHONPATH=%{_rpmconfigdir}/redhat \\
%{__python3} -B %{_rpmconfigdir}/redhat/pyproject_preprocess_record.py \\
--buildroot %{buildroot} --record ${distinfo}/RECORD --output %{_pyproject_record}
rm -fv ${distinfo}/RECORD
rm -fv ${distinfo}/REQUESTED
%define pyproject_save_files() %{expand:\\\
%global _pyproject_record %{_builddir}/%{_pyproject_files_prefix}-%{*}-pyproject-record
%global pyproject_files %{_builddir}/%{_pyproject_files_prefix}-%{*}-pyproject-files
%{expr:0%{?fedora} >= 39 || 0%{?rhel} >= 10 ? "RPM_PERCENTAGES_COUNT=2" :
%{__python3} %{_rpmconfigdir}/redhat/pyproject_save_files.py \\
--output-files "%{pyproject_files}" \\
--output-modules "%{_pyproject_modules}" \\
--buildroot "%{buildroot}" \\
--sitelib "%{python3_sitelib}" \\
--sitearch "%{python3_sitearch}" \\
--python-version "%{python3_version}" \\
--pyproject-record "%{_pyproject_record}" \\
--prefix "%{_prefix}" \\
We have added some logic to handle separate record files for each package.
In the end with a few tweaks, we get:
# Generated by go2rpm 1.9.0
%bcond_without check
%bcond_without bundled
%bcond_without golang_library
%if %{defined rhel}
%bcond_without bundled
%if %{with bundled}
%bcond_with golang_library
%define pyproject_install() %{expand:\\\
specifier=$(ls %{_pyproject_wheeldir}/*.whl | xargs basename --multiple | sed -E
TMPDIR="%{_pyproject_builddir}" %{__python3} -m pip install --root %{buildroot} --prefix
%{_prefix} --no-deps --disable-pip-version-check --progress-bar off --verbose
--ignore-installed --no-warn-script-location --no-index --no-cache-dir --find-links
%{_pyproject_wheeldir} $specifier
if [ -d %{buildroot}%{_bindir} ]; then
%py3_shebang_fix %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/*
rm -rfv %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/__pycache__
rm -f %{_pyproject_ghost_distinfo}
# Process %%{python3_sitelib} if exists
if [ -d %{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib} ]; then
site_dirs+=( "%{python3_sitelib}" )
# Process %%{python3_sitearch} if exists and does not equal to %%{python3_sitelib}
if [ %{buildroot}%{python3_sitearch} != %{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib} ] && [ -d
%{buildroot}%{python3_sitearch} ]; then
site_dirs+=( "%{python3_sitearch}" )
# Process all *.dist-info dirs in sitelib/sitearch
for site_dir in ${site_dirs[@]}; do
for distinfo in %{buildroot}$site_dir/*.dist-info; do
project_name=$(basename "$distinfo" | cut -d'-' -f1)
%global _pyproject_record
sed -i 's/pip/rpm/' ${distinfo}/INSTALLER
PYTHONPATH=%{_rpmconfigdir}/redhat \\
%{__python3} -B %{_rpmconfigdir}/redhat/pyproject_preprocess_record.py \\
--buildroot %{buildroot} --record ${distinfo}/RECORD --output %{_pyproject_record}
rm -fv ${distinfo}/RECORD
rm -fv ${distinfo}/REQUESTED
%define pyproject_save_files() %{expand:\\\
%global _pyproject_record %{_builddir}/%{_pyproject_files_prefix}-%{*}-pyproject-record
%global pyproject_files %{_builddir}/%{_pyproject_files_prefix}-%{*}-pyproject-files
%{expr:0%{?fedora} >= 39 || 0%{?rhel} >= 10 ? "RPM_PERCENTAGES_COUNT=2" :
%{__python3} %{_rpmconfigdir}/redhat/pyproject_save_files.py \\
--output-files "%{pyproject_files}" \\
--output-modules "%{_pyproject_modules}" \\
--buildroot "%{buildroot}" \\
--sitelib "%{python3_sitelib}" \\
--sitearch "%{python3_sitearch}" \\
--python-version "%{python3_version}" \\
--pyproject-record "%{_pyproject_record}" \\
--prefix "%{_prefix}" \\
# https://github.com/ansible/receptor
%global goipath github.com/ansible/receptor
Version: 1.4.1
%gometa -f
%global goname receptor
%global common_description %{expand:
Receptor is an overlay network intended to ease the distribution of work across
a large and dispersed collection of workers. Receptor nodes establish
peer-to-peer connections with each other via existing networks. Once connected,
the Receptor mesh provides datagram (UDP-like) and stream (TCP-like)
capabilities to applications, as well as robust unit-of-work handling with
resiliency against transient network failures.
See the readthedocs page for Receptor at:
%global golicenses LICENSE.md %{?with_bundled:vendor/modules.txt}
%global godocs docs tools README.md
Name: %{goname}
Release: %autorelease
Summary: Multi-service relayer with remote execution and orchestration capabilities
# License for github.com/ansible/receptor: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/creack/pty: MIT
# License for github.com/davecgh/go-spew: ISC
# License for github.com/emicklei/go-restful/v3: MIT
# License for github.com/fortytw2/leaktest: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/ghjm/cmdline: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/go-logr/logr: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/go-openapi/jsonreference: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/go-openapi/swag: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/go-task/slim-sprig: MIT
# License for github.com/gogo/protobuf: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4: MIT
# License for github.com/golang/mock: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/golang/protobuf: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/google/gnostic: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/google/go-cmp: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/google/gofuzz: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/google/pprof: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/google/shlex: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/google/uuid: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/gorilla/websocket: BSD-2-Clause
# License for github.com/imdario/mergo: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/josharian/intern: MIT
# License for github.com/json-iterator/go: MIT
# License for github.com/jupp0r/go-priority-queue: MIT
# License for github.com/mailru/easyjson: MIT
# License for github.com/minio/highwayhash: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/moby/spdystream: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/modern-go/concurrent: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/modern-go/reflect2: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/munnerz/goautoneg: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2: MIT
# License for github.com/pbnjay/memory: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/pmezard/go-difflib: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/prep/socketpair: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/quic-go/qtls-go1-19: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/quic-go/qtls-go1-20: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/quic-go/quic-go: MIT
# License for github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/songgao/water: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/spf13/pflag: BSD-3-Clause
# License for github.com/stretchr/testify: MIT
# License for github.com/vishvananda/netlink: Apache-2.0
# License for github.com/vishvananda/netns: Apache-2.0
# License for golang.org/x/crypto: BSD-3-Clause
# License for golang.org/x/exp: BSD-3-Clause
# License for golang.org/x/mod: BSD-3-Clause
# License for golang.org/x/net: BSD-3-Clause
# License for golang.org/x/oauth2: BSD-3-Clause
# License for golang.org/x/sys: BSD-3-Clause
# License for golang.org/x/term: BSD-3-Clause
# License for golang.org/x/text: BSD-3-Clause
# License for golang.org/x/time: BSD-3-Clause
# License for golang.org/x/tools: BSD-3-Clause
# License for google.golang.org/appengine: Apache-2.0
# License for google.golang.org/protobuf: BSD-3-Clause
# License for gopkg.in/inf.v0: BSD-3-Clause
# License for gopkg.in/yaml.v2: Apache-2.0 AND MIT
# License for gopkg.in/yaml.v3: MIT AND Apache-2.0
# License for k8s.io/api: Apache-2.0
# License for k8s.io/apimachinery: Apache-2.0
# License for k8s.io/client-go: Apache-2.0
# License for k8s.io/klog/v2: Apache-2.0
# License for k8s.io/kube-openapi: Apache-2.0
# License for k8s.io/utils: Apache-2.0
# License for sigs.k8s.io/json: Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause
# License for sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4: Apache-2.0
# License for sigs.k8s.io/yaml: MIT AND BSD-3-Clause
License: Apache-2.0 AND ISC AND MIT AND BSD-3-Clause AND BSD-2-Clause
URL: %{gourl}
Source: %{gosource}
Source: vendor-%{version}.tar.gz
Source: bundle_go_deps_for_rpm.sh
# https://github.com/ansible/receptor/pull/816
Patch: 0001-Bump-quic-go-to-0.37.4.patch
%if %{with bundled}
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/ansible/receptor) = 1.4.1
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/creack/pty) = 1.1.18
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/davecgh/go-spew) = 1.1.1
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/emicklei/go-restful/v3) = 3.10.2
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/fortytw2/leaktest) = 1.3.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify) = 1.6.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/ghjm/cmdline) = 0.1.2
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/go-logr/logr) = 1.2.4
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer) = 0.19.6
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/go-openapi/jsonreference) = 0.20.2
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/go-openapi/swag) = 0.22.3
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/go-task/slim-sprig) = 0.0.0-20230315git52ccab3
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/gogo/protobuf) = 1.3.2
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4) = 4.5.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/golang/mock) = 1.6.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/golang/protobuf) = 1.5.3
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/google/gnostic) = 0.6.9
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/google/go-cmp) = 0.5.9
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/google/gofuzz) = 1.2.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/google/pprof) = 0.0.0-20230502git255e3b9
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/google/shlex) = 0.0.0-20191202gite7afc7f
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/google/uuid) = 1.3.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/gorilla/websocket) = 1.5.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/imdario/mergo) = 0.3.15
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/josharian/intern) = 1.0.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/json-iterator/go) = 1.1.12
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/jupp0r/go-priority-queue) = 0.0.0-20160601gitab10738
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/mailru/easyjson) = 0.7.7
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/minio/highwayhash) = 1.0.2
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/moby/spdystream) = 0.2.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/modern-go/concurrent) = 0.0.0-20180306gitbacd9c7
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/modern-go/reflect2) = 1.0.2
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/munnerz/goautoneg) = 0.0.0-20191010gita7dc8b6
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2) = 2.9.4
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/pbnjay/memory) = 0.0.0-20210728git7b4eea6
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/pmezard/go-difflib) = 1.0.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/prep/socketpair) = 0.0.0-20171228gitc2c6a7f
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/quic-go/qtls-go1-19) = 0.3.2
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/quic-go/qtls-go1-20) = 0.2.2
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/quic-go/quic-go) = 0.34.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal) = 1.10.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/songgao/water) = 0.0.0-20200317git2b4b6d7
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/spf13/pflag) = 1.0.5
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/stretchr/testify) = 1.8.1
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/vishvananda/netlink) = 1.1.0
Provides: bundled(golang(github.com/vishvananda/netns) = 0.0.4
Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/crypto) = 0.8.0
Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/exp) = 0.0.0-20230425git47ecfdc
Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/mod) = 0.10.0
Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/net) = 0.9.0
Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/oauth2) = 0.7.0
Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/sys) = 0.8.0
Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/term) = 0.8.0
Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/text) = 0.9.0
Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/time) = 0.3.0
Provides: bundled(golang(golang.org/x/tools) = 0.8.0
Provides: bundled(golang(google.golang.org/appengine) = 1.6.7
Provides: bundled(golang(google.golang.org/protobuf) = 1.30.0
Provides: bundled(golang(gopkg.in/inf.v0) = 0.9.1
Provides: bundled(golang(gopkg.in/yaml.v2) = 2.4.0
Provides: bundled(golang(gopkg.in/yaml.v3) = 3.0.1
Provides: bundled(golang(k8s.io/api) = 0.27.1
Provides: bundled(golang(k8s.io/apimachinery) = 0.27.1
Provides: bundled(golang(k8s.io/client-go) = 0.27.1
Provides: bundled(golang(k8s.io/klog/v2) = 2.100.1
Provides: bundled(golang(k8s.io/kube-openapi) = 0.0.0-20230501git8b0f38b
Provides: bundled(golang(k8s.io/utils) = 0.0.0-20230505git9f67429
Provides: bundled(golang(sigs.k8s.io/json) = 0.0.0-20221116gitbc3834c
Provides: bundled(golang(sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4) = 4.2.3
Provides: bundled(golang(sigs.k8s.io/yaml) = 1.3.0
BuildRequires: python3-devel
# For Python tests
BuildRequires: psmisc
BuildRequires: openssh
%description %{common_description}
%package -n python3-receptorctl
Summary: Front-end CLI and importable Python library that interacts with Receptor
%description -n python3-receptorctl
Receptorctl is a front-end CLI and importable Python library that interacts
with Receptor over its control socket interface.
%package -n python3-receptor-python-worker
Summary: Python plugin called by Receptor
%description -n python3-receptor-python-worker
The receptor-python-worker command is called by Receptor to supervise the
operation of a Python worker plugin."
%if %{without golang_library}
%if %{with bundled}
%goprep -k
# unpack vendored dependencies
%setup -q -T -D -a 1 -n %{name}-%{version}
%autopatch -p1
echo "%{version}" > receptor-python-worker/.VERSION
echo "%{version}" > receptorctl/.VERSION
mv receptor-python-worker/README.md README-receptor-python-worker.md
mv receptorctl/README.md README-receptorctl.md
%if %{without bundled}
cd receptorctl
%pyproject_buildrequires -t
cd ../receptor-python-worker
%pyproject_buildrequires -t
%if %{with bundled}
export GO111MODULE=on
export GOFLAGS=-mod=vendor
export LDFLAGS="-X 'github.com/ansible/receptor/internal/version.Version=%{VERSION}' "
%gobuild -o %{gobuilddir}/bin/receptor %{goipath}/cmd/receptor-cl
pushd receptorctl
pushd receptor-python-worker
%if %{without golang_library}
install -m 0755 -vd %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
install -m 0755 -vp %{gobuilddir}/bin/* %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/
%pyproject_save_files receptorctl
%pyproject_save_files receptor_python_worker
%global receptorctl_pyproject_files
%global receptor_python_worker_pyproject_files
%if %{with check}
export PATH="%{gobuilddir}/bin:$PATH"
# Disable various test relying on Kube and network
%gocheck -t tests/functional/mesh
pushd receptorctl
rm -rfv tests/test_mesh.py
%license LICENSE.md %{?with_bundled:vendor/modules.txt}
%doc docs tools README.md
%files -n python3-receptorctl -f %{receptorctl_pyproject_files}
%doc README-receptorctl.md
%files -n python3-receptor-python-worker -f %{receptor_python_worker_pyproject_files}
%doc README-receptor-python-worker.md
%if %{without golang_library}
I added a condition to not build the golang library when bundled. If you do build it it
won't be installable because
it will be looking at the dependencies we have bundled in Fedora repo. We could bypass that
by adding the vendor
directory in the library package, but generally we end up in dependency hell for the project
that would depend on it,
because of conflicting versions.
All the relevant files are here:
You have the SPEC, the sources, the patch, the BASH for/and the vendor tar gz, and the SPEC
and sources of the missing dependencies.
FAS: eclipseo
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