Re: Need help with nut systemd scriptlets and multiple services and targets

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On 4/6/23 17:56, Orion Poplawski wrote:
The nut package has a number of different systemd units:


And I have a number of questions about how to handle them:

* I think we want a preset to automatically enable and start
nut-driver-enumerator.path.  This monitors /etc/ups/ups.conf and runs
nut-driver-enumerator.service when it does.  It also has:


Does that seem appropriate?  Is is possible to start it immediately after
install in %post?
You don't want to start _anything_ until the user has done the rather extensive
editing required in the config files to tell the package what hardware to look
for and what to do.

* What is a user expected to do to enable and start "nut"?  It seems like:

systemctl enable
systemctl start
The user needs to enable nut-driver-enumerator.service if there is any UPS
hardware monitored by this system (i.e., not needed if this is a "secondary"
system and some other "primary" system is actually monitoring the UPS).

Then, running "systemctl enable" will start the package on the
next boot. Include "--now", or run "systemctl start" to start it

But all of that has to wait until the user has made the necessary edits in
the config scripts in /etc/ups.conf and edited the /usr/bin/upssched-cmd
script to set up any additional actions (e.g., notifications, etc) that are

Would do the trick, but I don't think it's very intuitive - most users think
in terms of service units I think.
Overall, it's a pretty user-unfriendly package. Some things that used to
"Just Work" back in the days of CentOS 6 need manual configuration now.

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