Ian Pilcher wrote:
Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
I've found this YUM repository aiming to replace the original
Fedora/RedHat KDE with a complete version (will all important
features enabled and lots of extra programs):
I've looked at the web site, but there's not a lot of information there.
What important features and extra programs am I missing?
It depends greatly on which os release you're using, but mostly adding
in dependancies from Extras, livna.org (and a few not in either yet) to
get extra features. A short list (off the top of my head) includes:
* arts,kdemultimedia: multimedia goodies, since Fedora either legally or
ethically(non-opensource) can't/won't. Examples, lame(mp3),
libmad(mp3), xine-lib support. (all thanks to livna.org)
* kdepim: crypto(gpgme/gpg-agent, see
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/136533), gnokii, libmal support
* kdelibs,kdegraphics: JPEG2000(jasper), OpenEXR support
* kdelibs,kdebase,kdenetwork: mDNSResponder support
* kdenetwork: openslp, meanwhile support
* kdebase: dbus-qt/hal support
-- Rex
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