Packages that failed to build with Python 3.11 (and what to do)

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As you might already know, we have recently merged in the Python 3.11 side tag to Rawhide, despite several builds not succeeding. We always aim for some compromise between having the side tag open for too long and having too many failures.

The packages, when not rebuilt, are not installable in rawhide, hence fixing them should be our top priority. If you need help with Python-related issues, we (the Python Maintenance team at Red Hat) are happy to help. Unfortunately, several packages fail to build for Python-unrelated reasons.

Most of the packages only fail to build because their dependencies were not yet rebuilt. Chances are, you already got an automated F37FailsToInstall bugzilla from Miro, that your package fails to install. It would be really helpful if you could find the missing dependency and mark the bugzilla for your package depending on the bugzilla for the missing dep. We slowly progress to do that as well, but your help is crucial here.

If your package fails because there is a non-dependency problem, you might have already received a bugzilla from us in the past. If the build failure is related to changes in Python 3.11, it should contain some hints about the problem.

# What to do?

General advice: If you are aware of the problem and working towards fixing it, set your bugzilla to ASSIGNED to avoid further automated reminders.

If blocked by dependencies, do not close the bugzillas as NOTABUG or DUPLICATE just because it is "not a problem in your package". The automation will file new ones anyway.

## My package fails to build because it has test failures in %check

Please, try to resolve the failures. If you are confident that the package works fine, but the tests are wrong, skip some failing tests, ideally with a link to an upstream issue. Do not disable (e.g. comment out) all tests just to unblock the rebuild of your package, it usually only hides the problem.

## My package fails to build because it has broken build dependencies

Please try to track the missing build dependencies in Bugzilla. If possible, help the maintainers of your dependencies to get them rebuilt. When in need of escalation, ask us for provenpackager help (ideally with pull requests to be merged). Once possible, rebuild your package. When you do, the bugzilla will eventually get automatically closed, but you can do that manually as well.

## My package was rebuilt with Python 3.11 but it has broken runtime dependencies

Please try to track the missing runtime dependencies in Bugzilla. If possible, help the maintainers of your dependencies to get them rebuilt. When in need of escalation, ask us for provenpackager help (ideally with pull requests to be merged). When the dependencies are rebuilt, your package will install successfully once again and the bugzilla will eventually get automatically closed, but you can do that manually as well.

## My package failed to build but installs just fine

Some packages that only require will successfully pull in the python3.10 package as a dependency and hence they don't have installation issues. They need to be rebuilt with Python 3.11 anyway, we don't want Fedora users to pull in two Python versions unless they need them for development purposes.

## How to run things locally?

You can use mock. Make sure to:  
    1. Clear all caches first: $ mock -r fedora-rawhide-x86_64--scrub=all
    2. Use the Koji repo: $ mock -r fedora-rawhide-x86_64 --enablerepo=local ...

## Where to get help

Reply to this thread or find us (thrnciar, mhroncok) on #fedora-python IRC channel ( Matrix (


Let us know if you have other questions.

Maintainers by package:
5minute              pmoravco
APLpy                sergiopr skytux
HepMC3               ellert
NiaAML-GUI           iztokf music
OpenColorIO          hobbes1069
OpenImageIO          hobbes1069
PyMca                zbyszek
PyQt4                sagitter than
Zim                  cheeselee ohaessler
arbor                ankursinha
atomic-reactor       cverna kevin maxamillion twaugh vrutkovs
awscli               davdunc fale limb
azure-cli            mhayden
blender              design-sw ignatenkobrain kwizart luya music roma s4504kr slaanesh
bodhi-server         abompard humaton lenkaseg
bout++               davidsch
buildbot             besser82 giallu ignatenkobrain ngompa radez smilner
buildstream          atim bochecha
calibre              chkr heliocastro kevin nushio zbyszek
cantera              fuller sic
cfn-lint             music
cjdns                sdgathman
cobbler              brejoc jimi kwizart ngompa orion shenson
collectd             fab kevin mhlavink ruben xaeth
conda                orion zbyszek
copr-backend         clime dturecek frostyx msuchy praiskup
cozy                 suve
d-feet               kalev
datagrepper          ralph
datanommer           ralph
datanommer-commands  ralph
dlib                 bizdelnick luya
dnsviz               cdeccio pemensik
domoticz             mooninite
dtc                  arnd bonzini jwboyer pbrobinson
espresso             deji jngrad junghans
fail2ban             atkac hobbes1069 jgu orion
fbthrift             dcavalca filbranden salimma
fedmsg               ralph
flatbuffers          orphan
folly                dcavalca filbranden salimma
fontdump             pnemade
freecad              hobbes1069 jkastner zultron
gajim                michich suraia
gfal2-python         adev andreamanzi mipatras simonm
gitg                 ignatenkobrain nacho pwalter rathann
gitlint              skitt
gnome-passwordsafe   atim paulcarroty
gnuradio             jskarvad
gpaw                 marcindulak
gplugin              qulogic
gr-air-modes         jskarvad
gr-funcube           jskarvad
gr-hpsdr             jskarvad
gr-iqbal             jskarvad
gr-osmosdr           cottsay jskarvad
gr-rds               jskarvad sharkcz
home-assistant-cli   fab
httpie               churchyard codeblock mikelo2
ilua                 churchyard
ipsilon              ngompa puiterwijk simo
jpype                raphgro
jrnl                 music
kicad                avigne coremodule lkundrak stevenfalco tnorth
kiwi-boxed-plugin    ngompa
libkdtree++          brouhaha
libpfm               lberk mcermak wcohen
librealsense         thofmann
liquidctl            suve
litecli              fab
lldb                 airlied daveisfera jankratochvil kkleine nikic sergesanspaille siddharths tstellar
luxcorerender        besser82 kwizart luya slaanesh
m2crypto             mitr ngompa
mailman3             ngompa salimma
matrix-synapse       dcallagh v02460
mirrormanager2       adrian
mlpack               rcurtin
module-build         mcurlej
module-build-service breilly mikem
monkeytype           salimma
muse                 oget
mycli                fale terjeros
netbox               ignatenkobrain ngompa
netplan              ngompa
nextpnr              lkundrak somlo
nordugrid-arc        ellert jonkni
nyx                  jorti
odcs                 cqi fivaldi hlin jkaluza lsedlar qwan
opae                 aravuri gcasey1 nkorde trix
openmeeg             sagitter
openshadinglanguage  luya music slaanesh
opentrep             denisarnaud
openvswitch          aconole chrisw fbl tgraf tredaell
oraculum             frantisekz lbrabec
osc                  defolos hguemar msuchy ngompa
packit               csomh fnecas jpopelka lachmanfrantisek lbarczio mfocko mmassari nikromen packit packit-stg ttomecek
paperwork            qulogic
paraview             deji orion sagitter
paternoster          ibotty
pcp                  agerstmayr jkurik lberk mgoodwin nathans
petsc                sagitter
pgcli                meeuw
photoqt              eischmann
piper                whot xvitaly
pitivi               company elad ignatenkobrain limb wtaymans
player               kwizart rmattes ttorling
powerline            asn salimma sicherha
pre-commit           atim chedi churchyard major music
profanity            fantom
psi4                 jussilehtola
py4j                 raphgro
pygrib               jdekloe
pylibacl             frankcrawford kevin szpak
pymol                sagitter sergiomb
pyodbc               fjanus hhorak
pyparted             bcl clumens dcantrell
pyproj               jdekloe
pysvn                barryascott ravenoak sgallagh
pythia8              ellert
python-BTrees        jjames
python-EvoPreprocess iztokf
python-OWSLib        music
python-Pympler       rathann
python-SALib         ankursinha
python-TestSlide     dcavalca filbranden salimma
python-ZEO           jjames
python-ZODB          jjames
python-ZODB3         jjames
python-adb           fab
python-agate         jujens
python-agate-dbf     jujens
python-agate-excel   jujens
python-agate-sql     jujens
python-aioopenssl    fab
python-aiosasl       fab
python-altgraph      fab
python-animatplot    qulogic
python-ansiwrap      fab
python-anyjson       mrunge orphan sundaram
python-arrow         pingou ralph
python-arviz         sergiopr
python-ase           besser82 marcindulak
python-ast-monitor   iztokf
python-astroML       lupinix
python-asyncio-dgram fab
python-autobahn      fab jujens
python-autopep8      mrunge ndipanov
python-avocado       cleber merlinm
python-azure-appconfiguration mhayden
python-azure-keyvault-keys mhayden
python-azure-mgmt-appconfiguration mhayden
python-azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices mhayden
python-azure-mgmt-containerinstance mhayden
python-azure-mgmt-databoxedge mhayden
python-azure-mgmt-datamigration mhayden
python-azure-mgmt-eventhub mhayden
python-azure-mgmt-maps mhayden
python-azure-mgmt-rdbms mhayden
python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservices mhayden
python-azure-mgmt-redis mhayden
python-azure-mgmt-reservations mhayden
python-azure-mgmt-sql mhayden
python-azure-mgmt-web mhayden
python-azure-servicebus mhayden
python-backrefs      pnemade
python-basemap       jspaleta limb
python-behave        orphan
python-bitcoinlib    cstratak pgreco
python-bitstruct     besser82
python-blackbird     fab
python-bloom         cottsay rmattes
python-bluepyopt     anilbey ankursinha
python-brother       fab
python-cachez        eharney
python-calligrabot   bstinson merlinm
python-cartopy       qulogic
python-catkin_lint   ankursinha cottsay rmattes
python-catkin_tools  ankursinha cottsay rmattes
python-ccdproc       lupinix
python-cchardet      fab
python-cclib         sagitter
python-celery        abompard frantisekz mrunge ngompa pingou
python-certbot-dns-digitalocean elyscape nb
python-chaospy       lbazan
python-cheetah       carlwgeorge mikeb mskalick panovotn
python-cloudpickle   lbalhar
python-colorcet      music
python-contextily    qulogic
python-contextlib2   abompard orphan ralph tjikkun
python-contextualbandits iztokf
python-cookiecutter  chedi wakko666
python-cro           iztokf
python-cssutils      kevin thias
python-csvkit        jujens
python-cu2qu         athoscr
python-cytoolz       orion
python-daphne        carlwgeorge
python-dask          qulogic
python-datanommer-consumer ralph
python-dcrpm         dcavalca filbranden salimma
python-deap          zbyszek
python-deepdiff      jussilehtola
python-designateclient apevec vkmc
python-devtools      fab
python-diff-cover    dshea orphan
python-digitalocean  elyscape fschwarz
python-django-debreach jpena
python-django-extensions ngompa salimma
python-django-mailman3 salimma
python-django-q      ngompa salimma
python-django-uuslug cqi
python-djangoql      vkrizan
python-djvulibre     terrycloth
python-docx          music
python-doit          immanetize jamatos
python-duecredit     ankursinha
python-earthpy       iztokf
python-eccodes       jdekloe
python-elephant      lbazan
python-elpy          lbazan
python-engineio      music
python-envisage      orion
python-ephyviewer    vanessakris
python-etcd3gw       jeckersb
python-evic          besser82
python-falcon        abompard carlwgeorge
python-fastapi       music
python-fedmsg-meta-fedora-infrastructure kevin lmacken ralph sayanchowdhury
python-filecheck     rathann
python-fixit         dcavalca salimma
python-flask-security-too smani
python-flask-socketio music
python-fpylll        pcpa
python-fsleyes       ankursinha
python-fsleyes-props ankursinha
python-fslpy         ankursinha
python-fsspec        qulogic
python-funcy         ignatenkobrain
python-futurist      apevec jpena
python-gatspy        lupinix
python-gcsfs         fab
python-geopandas     qulogic
python-geoplot       qulogic
python-geotiler      iztokf
python-glymur        vanessakris
python-gnocchiclient mrunge pkilambi
python-google-cloud-access-approval mhayden
python-google-cloud-api-gateway mhayden
python-google-cloud-apigee-connect mhayden
python-google-cloud-appengine-admin mhayden
python-google-cloud-asset mhayden
python-google-cloud-automl mhayden
python-google-cloud-bigquery mhayden
python-google-cloud-bigquery-connection mhayden
python-google-cloud-bigquery-datatransfer mhayden
python-google-cloud-bigquery-reservation mhayden
python-google-cloud-bigquery-storage mhayden
python-google-cloud-bigtable mhayden
python-google-cloud-billing mhayden
python-google-cloud-billing-budgets mhayden
python-google-cloud-build mhayden
python-google-cloud-common mhayden
python-google-cloud-container mhayden
python-google-cloud-containeranalysis mhayden
python-google-cloud-data-fusion mhayden
python-google-cloud-datacatalog limb mhayden
python-google-cloud-dataproc mhayden
python-google-cloud-dataproc-metastore mhayden
python-google-cloud-debugger-client mhayden
python-google-cloud-deploy mhayden
python-google-cloud-dlp mhayden
python-google-cloud-dms mhayden
python-google-cloud-domains mhayden
python-google-cloud-filestore mhayden
python-google-cloud-firestore mhayden
python-google-cloud-functions mhayden
python-google-cloud-iam mhayden
python-google-cloud-kms mhayden
python-google-cloud-org-policy mhayden
python-google-cloud-os-config mhayden
python-google-cloud-private-ca mhayden
python-google-cloud-pubsub mhayden
python-google-cloud-redis mhayden
python-google-cloud-shell mhayden
python-google-cloud-source-context mhayden
python-google-cloud-spanner mhayden
python-grafeas       mhayden
python-haversion     fab
python-hdmf          lbazan
python-heatclient    apevec jruzicka zaneb
python-httpsig-cffi  terjeros
python-hyperkitty    ngompa salimma
python-hypothesmith  dcavalca salimma
python-imagehash     fab
python-imbalanced-learn iztokf
python-insteon       fab
python-ipyparallel   ellert
python-javabridge    raphgro
python-jep           raphgro
python-jinja2-time   chedi wakko666
python-joblib        besser82 ignatenkobrain sergiopr
python-jschema-to-python music
python-jsmin         orphan
python-jsonpickle    limb ralph
python-jupyter-console qulogic
python-kafka         hiwkby
python-kombu         fab frantisekz mrunge ngompa pingou pjp sundaram
python-language-server nonamedotc
python-lazy-ops      ankursinha
python-libcst        dcavalca
python-libpysal      qulogic
python-libusb1       jonny
python-linux-procfs  jkastner
python-lsp-black     nonamedotc
python-lsp-server    nonamedotc
python-lunr          smani
python-magnumclient  apevec chandankumar
python-mailer        orphan
python-manilaclient  zaitcev
python-manuel        jjames kevin ralph
python-mapclassify   qulogic
python-marathon      apevec orphan
python-matrix-nio    ankursinha
python-maya          iztokf
python-mechanize     mohanboddu
python-metakernel    ellert
python-migen         somlo
python-missingno     lbazan
python-mistralclient amoralej
python-mne           ignatenkobrain
python-mne-bids      lbazan
python-molecule      chedi
python-molecule-docker chedi
python-molten        akhaitov
python-mox3          apevec chandankumar dmsimard hguemar social
python-mplcairo      qulogic
python-mplcursors    qulogic
python-multiprocess  ankursinha
python-murano-pkg-check jpena
python-music21       zbyszek
python-mutatormath   athoscr
python-nashpy        iztokf
python-nbxmpp        michich suraia
python-neo           ankursinha
python-netpyne       ankursinha
python-neurosynth    lbazan
python-neutronclient apevec jruzicka
python-niaaml        iztokf
python-niaarm        iztokf
python-niaclass      iztokf
python-nikola        jamatos maxamillion
python-nilearn       ankursinha
python-nipy          ignatenkobrain
python-nmrglue       nonamedotc
python-nudepy        fab
python-octave-kernel qulogic
python-octaviaclient cgoncalves
python-openstackclient apevec
python-openstacksdk  apevec jpena
python-opentelemetry mhayden music
python-opentracing   noon
python-os-client-config amoralej apevec pabelanger
python-osc-lib       amoralej apevec hguemar jpena jruzicka
python-oslo-db       apevec gchamoul
python-pandas-flavor ankursinha
python-paperwork-backend qulogic
python-parsimonious  alciregi
python-pathos        ankursinha
python-pathvalidate  jonny
python-pdir2         carlwgeorge
python-peewee        carlwgeorge cstratak vkrizan
python-persistent    jjames
python-photutils     sergiopr
python-pingouin      ankursinha
python-pocketlint    jkonecny vtrefny
python-postorius     ngompa salimma
python-precis_i18n   michich
python-profilehooks  fab
python-proteus       orphan
python-proto-plus    mhayden
python-py-gfm        ignatenkobrain
python-pybids        ankursinha
python-pybv          major
python-pycdlib       clalance
python-pycec         orphan
python-pycha         potty sharkcz
python-pycountry     qulogic
python-pyct          music
python-pydata-sphinx-theme jjames
python-pyduofern     fab
python-pyface        chedi ignatenkobrain orion
python-pyghmi        divius etingof jomara lucasagomes
python-pynetdicom    alciregi
python-pynn          ankursinha
python-pynwb         lbazan
python-pyphen        brouhaha fschwarz
python-pyphi         ankursinha
python-pyriemann     ankursinha
python-pyscaffold    ankursinha
python-pyshtools     qulogic
python-pyside2       hobbes1069
python-pytenable     fab
python-pytest-flake8 ngompa salimma
python-pytest-localserver pwouters rominf
python-pyunicorn     iztokf
python-pywt          ignatenkobrain sergiopr
python-qcelemental   jussilehtola
python-qdarkstyle    nonamedotc
python-rasterio      qulogic
python-relatorio     orphan
python-requests-credssp fab
python-restfly       fab
python-rmtest        lberk mgoodwin nathans
python-rosinstall    rmattes
python-rows          fab
python-rpm-head-signing packit puiterwijk
python-rx            atim limb
python-saharaclient  apevec egafford jruzicka mimccune
python-sarif-om      music
python-scikit-image  orion sergiopr
python-scikit-learn  besser82 ignatenkobrain lupinix sergiopr
python-scikit-uplift iztokf
python-sciunit       ankursinha
python-sendgrid      orphan
python-serpent       fab
python-shade         larsks pabelanger
python-sklearn-genetic iztokf
python-sklearn-genetic-opt iztokf
python-sklearn-nature-inspired-algorithms ankursinha iztokf
python-slixmpp-omemo fantom
python-smbprotocol   fab
python-socketio      music
python-socks         ankursinha
python-specfile      nforro packit-stg
python-spnego        fab
python-sport-activities-features iztokf
python-spyder-kernels nonamedotc
python-spyking-circus ankursinha
python-sqlobject     peter
python-stackprinter  fab
python-statsmodels   sergiopr
python-steps         ankursinha
python-streamlink    melmorabity
python-structlog     piotrp
python-tackerclient  amoralej
python-taskflow      apevec eharney
python-tcxparser     iztokf
python-theano        ignatenkobrain jjames sergiopr
python-threadpoolctl sergiopr
python-traitsui      chedi ignatenkobrain orion
python-trimesh       ankursinha
python-troveclient   jruzicka mrunge
python-txaio         fab jujens
python-unicodecsv    apevec jpena
python-unicodedata2  pnemade
python-usort         dcavalca
python-uvicorn       carlwgeorge
python-vatnumber     orphan
python-vcstools      cottsay rmattes
python-virtualbmc    jorti
python-watchgod      carlwgeorge
python-whatever      ignatenkobrain
python-wsproto       carlwgeorge
python-wstool        ankursinha cottsay rmattes
python-wtf-peewee    cstratak vkrizan
python-xarray        qulogic
python-xbout         davidsch
python-xds-protos    mhayden music
python-xunitparser   aekoroglu lbrabec tflink
python-yappi         amoralej
python-zarr          qulogic
python-zc-customdoctests fab ralph
python-zdaemon       fab ralph
python-zodbpickle    jjames
pyutil               anishpatil
qhexedit2            smani
qpid-dispatch        irina kpvdr mcressman tross
rebase-helper        nforro phracek
renderdoc            gicmo
rmlint               eclipseo
rmol                 denisarnaud
root                 ellert
sagemath             pcpa
scudcloud            ignatenkobrain
sigil                sharkcz
slingshot            limb
smoldyn              sagitter
snakemake            major
spectrographic       suve
sshuttle             jgu kevin maci
sudo                 alakatos kzak mattdm rsroka zfridric
sugar                aperezbios chimosky
systemtap            amerey fche jistone lberk mcermak mjw scox smakarov wcohen
tiled                ablu cheese suve
trademgen            denisarnaud
translate-toolkit    cicku dwayne petersen suanand
trellis              lkundrak somlo
trytond              orphan
trytond-account      orphan
trytond-account-be   orphan
trytond-account-de-skr03 orphan
trytond-account-invoice orphan
trytond-account-invoice-history orphan
trytond-account-invoice-line-standalone orphan
trytond-account-product orphan
trytond-account-statement orphan
trytond-account-stock-anglo-saxon orphan
trytond-account-stock-continental orphan
trytond-analytic-account orphan
trytond-analytic-invoice orphan
trytond-analytic-purchase orphan
trytond-analytic-sale orphan
trytond-company      orphan
trytond-company-work-time orphan
trytond-country      orphan
trytond-currency     orphan
trytond-dashboard    orphan
trytond-google-maps  orphan
trytond-ldap-authentication orphan
trytond-party        orphan
trytond-party-siret  orphan
trytond-product      orphan
trytond-product-cost-fifo orphan
trytond-product-cost-history orphan
trytond-product-price-list orphan
trytond-project      orphan
trytond-project-plan orphan
trytond-project-revenue orphan
trytond-purchase     orphan
trytond-purchase-invoice-line-standalone orphan
trytond-sale         orphan
trytond-sale-opportunity orphan
trytond-sale-price-list orphan
trytond-stock        orphan
trytond-stock-forecast orphan
trytond-stock-inventory-location orphan
trytond-stock-location-sequence orphan
trytond-stock-product-location orphan
trytond-stock-supply orphan
trytond-stock-supply-day orphan
trytond-timesheet    orphan
uhd                  jskarvad
urh                  jskarvad
usd                  luya music slaanesh
uwsgi                ertzing
virt-bootstrap       rstoyanov
watchman             dcavalca filbranden salimma
weasyprint           brouhaha fschwarz
xpra                 jgu sagitter sergiomb

Packages by maintainer:
ablu       tiled
abompard   bodhi-server python-celery python-contextlib2 python-falcon
aconole    openvswitch
adev       gfal2-python
adrian     mirrormanager2
aekoroglu  python-xunitparser
agerstmayr pcp
airlied    lldb
akhaitov   python-molten
alakatos   sudo
alciregi   python-parsimonious python-pynetdicom
amerey     systemtap
amoralej   python-mistralclient python-os-client-config python-osc-lib python-tackerclient python-yappi
andreamanzi gfal2-python
anilbey    python-bluepyopt
anishpatil pyutil
ankursinha arbor python-SALib python-bluepyopt python-catkin_lint python-catkin_tools python-duecredit python-fsleyes python-fsleyes-props python-fslpy python-lazy-ops python-matrix-nio python-multiprocess python-neo python-netpyne python-nilearn python-pandas-flavor python-pathos python-pingouin python-pybids python-pynn python-pyphi python-pyriemann python-pyscaffold python-sciunit python-sklearn-nature-inspired-algorithms python-socks python-spyking-circus python-steps python-trimesh python-wstool
aperezbios sugar
apevec     python-designateclient python-futurist python-heatclient python-magnumclient python-marathon python-mox3 python-neutronclient python-openstackclient python-openstacksdk python-os-client-config python-osc-lib python-oslo-db python-saharaclient python-taskflow python-unicodecsv
aravuri    opae
arnd       dtc
asn        powerline
athoscr    python-cu2qu python-mutatormath
atim       buildstream gnome-passwordsafe pre-commit python-rx
atkac      fail2ban
avigne     kicad
barryascott pysvn
bcl        pyparted
besser82   buildbot luxcorerender python-ase python-bitstruct python-evic python-joblib python-scikit-learn
bizdelnick dlib
bochecha   buildstream
bonzini    dtc
breilly    module-build-service
brejoc     cobbler
brouhaha   libkdtree++ python-pyphen weasyprint
bstinson   python-calligrabot
carlwgeorge python-cheetah python-daphne python-falcon python-pdir2 python-peewee python-uvicorn python-watchgod python-wsproto
cdeccio    dnsviz
cgoncalves python-octaviaclient
chandankumar python-magnumclient python-mox3
chedi      pre-commit python-cookiecutter python-jinja2-time python-molecule python-molecule-docker python-pyface python-traitsui
cheese     tiled
cheeselee  Zim
chimosky   sugar
chkr       calibre
chrisw     openvswitch
churchyard httpie ilua pre-commit
cicku      translate-toolkit
clalance   python-pycdlib
cleber     python-avocado
clime      copr-backend
clumens    pyparted
codeblock  httpie
company    pitivi
coremodule kicad
cottsay    gr-osmosdr python-bloom python-catkin_lint python-catkin_tools python-vcstools python-wstool
cqi        odcs python-django-uuslug
csomh      packit
cstratak   python-bitcoinlib python-peewee python-wtf-peewee
cverna     atomic-reactor
davdunc    awscli
daveisfera lldb
davidsch   bout++ python-xbout
dcallagh   matrix-synapse
dcantrell  pyparted
dcavalca   fbthrift folly python-TestSlide python-dcrpm python-fixit python-hypothesmith python-libcst python-usort watchman
defolos    osc
deji       espresso paraview
denisarnaud opentrep rmol trademgen
design-sw  blender
divius     python-pyghmi
dmsimard   python-mox3
dshea      python-diff-cover
dturecek   copr-backend
dwayne     translate-toolkit
eclipseo   rmlint
egafford   python-saharaclient
eharney    python-cachez python-taskflow
eischmann  photoqt
elad       pitivi
ellert     HepMC3 nordugrid-arc pythia8 python-ipyparallel python-metakernel root
elyscape   python-certbot-dns-digitalocean python-digitalocean
ertzing    uwsgi
etingof    python-pyghmi
fab        collectd home-assistant-cli litecli python-adb python-aioopenssl python-aiosasl python-altgraph python-ansiwrap python-asyncio-dgram python-autobahn python-blackbird python-brother python-cchardet python-devtools python-gcsfs python-haversion python-imagehash python-insteon python-kombu python-nudepy python-profilehooks python-pyduofern python-pytenable python-requests-credssp python-restfly python-rows python-serpent python-smbprotocol python-spnego python-stackprinter python-txaio python-zc-customdoctests python-zdaemon
fale       awscli mycli
fantom     profanity python-slixmpp-omemo
fbl        openvswitch
fche       systemtap
filbranden fbthrift folly python-TestSlide python-dcrpm watchman
fivaldi    odcs
fjanus     pyodbc
fnecas     packit
frankcrawford pylibacl
frantisekz oraculum python-celery python-kombu
frostyx    copr-backend
fschwarz   python-digitalocean python-pyphen weasyprint
fuller     cantera
gcasey1    opae
gchamoul   python-oslo-db
giallu     buildbot
gicmo      renderdoc
heliocastro calibre
hguemar    osc python-mox3 python-osc-lib
hhorak     pyodbc
hiwkby     python-kafka
hlin       odcs
hobbes1069 OpenColorIO OpenImageIO fail2ban freecad python-pyside2
humaton    bodhi-server
ibotty     paternoster
ignatenkobrain blender buildbot gitg netbox pitivi python-funcy python-joblib python-mne python-nipy python-py-gfm python-pyface python-pywt python-scikit-learn python-theano python-traitsui python-whatever scudcloud
immanetize python-doit
irina      qpid-dispatch
iztokf     NiaAML-GUI python-EvoPreprocess python-ast-monitor python-contextualbandits python-cro python-earthpy python-geotiler python-imbalanced-learn python-maya python-nashpy python-niaaml python-niaarm python-niaclass python-pyunicorn python-scikit-uplift python-sklearn-genetic python-sklearn-genetic-opt python-sklearn-nature-inspired-algorithms python-sport-activities-features python-tcxparser
jamatos    python-doit python-nikola
jankratochvil lldb
jdekloe    pygrib pyproj python-eccodes
jeckersb   python-etcd3gw
jgu        fail2ban sshuttle xpra
jimi       cobbler
jistone    systemtap
jjames     python-BTrees python-ZEO python-ZODB python-ZODB3 python-manuel python-persistent python-pydata-sphinx-theme python-theano python-zodbpickle
jkaluza    odcs
jkastner   freecad python-linux-procfs
jkonecny   python-pocketlint
jkurik     pcp
jngrad     espresso
jomara     python-pyghmi
jonkni     nordugrid-arc
jonny      python-libusb1 python-pathvalidate
jorti      nyx python-virtualbmc
jpena      python-django-debreach python-futurist python-murano-pkg-check python-openstacksdk python-osc-lib python-unicodecsv
jpopelka   packit
jruzicka   python-heatclient python-neutronclient python-osc-lib python-saharaclient python-troveclient
jskarvad   gnuradio gr-air-modes gr-funcube gr-hpsdr gr-iqbal gr-osmosdr gr-rds uhd urh
jspaleta   python-basemap
jujens     python-agate python-agate-dbf python-agate-excel python-agate-sql python-autobahn python-csvkit python-txaio
junghans   espresso
jussilehtola psi4 python-deepdiff python-qcelemental
jwboyer    dtc
kalev      d-feet
kevin      atomic-reactor calibre collectd pylibacl python-cssutils python-fedmsg-meta-fedora-infrastructure python-manuel sshuttle
kkleine    lldb
kpvdr      qpid-dispatch
kwizart    blender cobbler luxcorerender player
kzak       sudo
lachmanfrantisek packit
larsks     python-shade
lbalhar    python-cloudpickle
lbarczio   packit
lbazan     python-chaospy python-elephant python-elpy python-hdmf python-missingno python-mne-bids python-neurosynth python-pynwb
lberk      libpfm pcp python-rmtest systemtap
lbrabec    oraculum python-xunitparser
lenkaseg   bodhi-server
limb       awscli pitivi python-basemap python-google-cloud-datacatalog python-jsonpickle python-rx slingshot
lkundrak   kicad nextpnr trellis
lmacken    python-fedmsg-meta-fedora-infrastructure
lsedlar    odcs
lucasagomes python-pyghmi
lupinix    python-astroML python-ccdproc python-gatspy python-scikit-learn
luya       blender dlib luxcorerender openshadinglanguage usd
maci       sshuttle
major      pre-commit python-pybv snakemake
marcindulak gpaw python-ase
mattdm     sudo
maxamillion atomic-reactor python-nikola
mcermak    libpfm systemtap
mcressman  qpid-dispatch
mcurlej    module-build
meeuw      pgcli
melmorabity python-streamlink
merlinm    python-avocado python-calligrabot
mfocko     packit
mgoodwin   pcp python-rmtest
mhayden    azure-cli python-azure-appconfiguration python-azure-keyvault-keys python-azure-mgmt-appconfiguration python-azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices python-azure-mgmt-containerinstance python-azure-mgmt-databoxedge python-azure-mgmt-datamigration python-azure-mgmt-eventhub python-azure-mgmt-maps python-azure-mgmt-rdbms python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservices python-azure-mgmt-redis python-azure-mgmt-reservations python-azure-mgmt-sql python-azure-mgmt-web python-azure-servicebus python-google-cloud-access-approval python-google-cloud-api-gateway python-google-cloud-apigee-connect python-google-cloud-appengine-admin python-google-cloud-asset python-google-cloud-automl python-google-cloud-bigquery python-google-cloud-bigquery-connection python-google-cloud-bigquery-datatransfer python-google-cloud-bigquery-reservation python-google-cloud-bigquery-storage python-google-cloud-bigtable python-google-cloud-billing python-google-cloud-billing-budgets python-google-cloud-build python-google-cloud-common python-google-cloud-container python-google-cloud-containeranalysis python-google-cloud-data-fusion python-google-cloud-datacatalog python-google-cloud-dataproc python-google-cloud-dataproc-metastore python-google-cloud-debugger-client python-google-cloud-deploy python-google-cloud-dlp python-google-cloud-dms python-google-cloud-domains python-google-cloud-filestore python-google-cloud-firestore python-google-cloud-functions python-google-cloud-iam python-google-cloud-kms python-google-cloud-org-policy python-google-cloud-os-config python-google-cloud-private-ca python-google-cloud-pubsub python-google-cloud-redis python-google-cloud-shell python-google-cloud-source-context python-google-cloud-spanner python-grafeas python-opentelemetry python-proto-plus python-xds-protos
mhlavink   collectd
michich    gajim python-nbxmpp python-precis_i18n
mikeb      python-cheetah
mikelo2    httpie
mikem      module-build-service
mimccune   python-saharaclient
mipatras   gfal2-python
mitr       m2crypto
mjw        systemtap
mmassari   packit
mohanboddu python-mechanize
mooninite  domoticz
mrunge     python-anyjson python-autopep8 python-celery python-gnocchiclient python-kombu python-troveclient
mskalick   python-cheetah
msuchy     copr-backend osc
music      NiaAML-GUI blender cfn-lint jrnl openshadinglanguage pre-commit python-OWSLib python-colorcet python-docx python-engineio python-fastapi python-flask-socketio python-jschema-to-python python-opentelemetry python-pyct python-sarif-om python-socketio python-xds-protos usd
nacho      gitg
nathans    pcp python-rmtest
nb         python-certbot-dns-digitalocean
ndipanov   python-autopep8
nforro     python-specfile rebase-helper
ngompa     buildbot cobbler ipsilon kiwi-boxed-plugin m2crypto mailman3 netbox netplan osc python-celery python-django-extensions python-django-q python-hyperkitty python-kombu python-postorius python-pytest-flake8
nikic      lldb
nikromen   packit
nkorde     opae
nonamedotc python-language-server python-lsp-black python-lsp-server python-nmrglue python-qdarkstyle python-spyder-kernels
noon       python-opentracing
nushio     calibre
oget       muse
ohaessler  Zim
orion      cobbler conda fail2ban paraview python-cytoolz python-envisage python-pyface python-scikit-image python-traitsui
orphan     flatbuffers python-anyjson python-behave python-contextlib2 python-diff-cover python-jsmin python-mailer python-marathon python-proteus python-pycec python-relatorio python-sendgrid python-vatnumber trytond trytond-account trytond-account-be trytond-account-de-skr03 trytond-account-invoice trytond-account-invoice-history trytond-account-invoice-line-standalone trytond-account-product trytond-account-statement trytond-account-stock-anglo-saxon trytond-account-stock-continental trytond-analytic-account trytond-analytic-invoice trytond-analytic-purchase trytond-analytic-sale trytond-company trytond-company-work-time trytond-country trytond-currency trytond-dashboard trytond-google-maps trytond-ldap-authentication trytond-party trytond-party-siret trytond-product trytond-product-cost-fifo trytond-product-cost-history trytond-product-price-list trytond-project trytond-project-plan trytond-project-revenue trytond-purchase trytond-purchase-invoice-line-standalone trytond-sale trytond-sale-opportunity trytond-sale-price-list trytond-stock trytond-stock-forecast trytond-stock-inventory-location trytond-stock-location-sequence trytond-stock-product-location trytond-stock-supply trytond-stock-supply-day trytond-timesheet
pabelanger python-os-client-config python-shade
packit     packit python-rpm-head-signing
packit-stg packit python-specfile
panovotn   python-cheetah
paulcarroty gnome-passwordsafe
pbrobinson dtc
pcpa       python-fpylll sagemath
pemensik   dnsviz
peter      python-sqlobject
petersen   translate-toolkit
pgreco     python-bitcoinlib
phracek    rebase-helper
pingou     python-arrow python-celery python-kombu
piotrp     python-structlog
pjp        python-kombu
pkilambi   python-gnocchiclient
pmoravco   5minute
pnemade    fontdump python-backrefs python-unicodedata2
potty      python-pycha
praiskup   copr-backend
puiterwijk ipsilon python-rpm-head-signing
pwalter    gitg
pwouters   python-pytest-localserver
qulogic    gplugin paperwork python-animatplot python-cartopy python-contextily python-dask python-fsspec python-geopandas python-geoplot python-jupyter-console python-libpysal python-mapclassify python-mplcairo python-mplcursors python-octave-kernel python-paperwork-backend python-pycountry python-pyshtools python-rasterio python-xarray python-zarr
qwan       odcs
radez      buildbot
ralph      datagrepper datanommer datanommer-commands fedmsg python-arrow python-contextlib2 python-datanommer-consumer python-fedmsg-meta-fedora-infrastructure python-jsonpickle python-manuel python-zc-customdoctests python-zdaemon
raphgro    jpype py4j python-javabridge python-jep
rathann    gitg python-Pympler python-filecheck
ravenoak   pysvn
rcurtin    mlpack
rmattes    player python-bloom python-catkin_lint python-catkin_tools python-rosinstall python-vcstools python-wstool
roma       blender
rominf     python-pytest-localserver
rsroka     sudo
rstoyanov  virt-bootstrap
ruben      collectd
s4504kr    blender
sagitter   PyQt4 openmeeg paraview petsc pymol python-cclib smoldyn xpra
salimma    fbthrift folly mailman3 monkeytype powerline python-TestSlide python-dcrpm python-django-extensions python-django-mailman3 python-django-q python-fixit python-hyperkitty python-hypothesmith python-postorius python-pytest-flake8 watchman
sayanchowdhury python-fedmsg-meta-fedora-infrastructure
scox       systemtap
sdgathman  cjdns
sergesanspaille lldb
sergiomb   pymol xpra
sergiopr   APLpy python-arviz python-joblib python-photutils python-pywt python-scikit-image python-scikit-learn python-statsmodels python-theano python-threadpoolctl
sgallagh   pysvn
sharkcz    gr-rds python-pycha sigil
shenson    cobbler
sic        cantera
sicherha   powerline
siddharths lldb
simo       ipsilon
simonm     gfal2-python
skitt      gitlint
skytux     APLpy
slaanesh   blender luxcorerender openshadinglanguage usd
smakarov   systemtap
smani      python-flask-security-too python-lunr qhexedit2
smilner    buildbot
social     python-mox3
somlo      nextpnr python-migen trellis
stevenfalco kicad
suanand    translate-toolkit
sundaram   python-anyjson python-kombu
suraia     gajim python-nbxmpp
suve       cozy liquidctl spectrographic tiled
szpak      pylibacl
terjeros   mycli python-httpsig-cffi
terrycloth python-djvulibre
tflink     python-xunitparser
tgraf      openvswitch
than       PyQt4
thias      python-cssutils
thofmann   librealsense
tjikkun    python-contextlib2
tnorth     kicad
tredaell   openvswitch
trix       opae
tross      qpid-dispatch
tstellar   lldb
ttomecek   packit
ttorling   player
twaugh     atomic-reactor
v02460     matrix-synapse
vanessakris python-ephyviewer python-glymur
vkmc       python-designateclient
vkrizan    python-djangoql python-peewee python-wtf-peewee
vrutkovs   atomic-reactor
vtrefny    python-pocketlint
wakko666   python-cookiecutter python-jinja2-time
wcohen     libpfm systemtap
whot       piper
wtaymans   pitivi
xaeth      collectd
xvitaly    piper
zaitcev    python-manilaclient
zaneb      python-heatclient
zbyszek    PyMca calibre conda python-deap python-music21
zfridric   sudo
zultron    freecad
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