On 07/11/2005 02:02 PM, Farkas Levente wrote:
is there any standard way to notify any package (core or extras)
maintaner that there is new upstream version of bug/security fix of a
given package? imho it'd be a general and useful think to add
somewhere eg somewhere on fedora homepage an automatic from which
select the current maintaner and send him/her a mail.
Some package maintainers have upwards of 50 packages they maintain, and
can't possibly produce RPMs instantly. There are sometimes issues where
things don't build, etc. because of other library changes that we must
deal with that the upstream authors may not be aware of yet.
Additionally, many maintainers are on mailing lists that announce when
new versions are out; some (such as yours truly) are even on release
teams for their packages. So, chances are the packager knows, but just
has been unable to get around to it. If there is a package that has
been languishing behind for several months, or maybe weeks, it might be
wise to file a bug then. But flooding bugzilla and developer e-mail
with generic package upgrade requests is going to annoy many packagers
very quickly.
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