Orphaned packages looking for new maintainers

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The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will fail to install and/or build when the affected package gets retired.

Request package ownership via the *Take* button in he left column on

Full report available at:
grep it for your FAS username and follow the dependency chain.

For human readable dependency chains,
see https://packager-dashboard.fedoraproject.org/
For all orphaned packages,
see https://packager-dashboard.fedoraproject.org/orphan

            Package                      (co)maintainers           Status Change
ant-contrib                       java-maint-sig, mizdebsk,        6 weeks ago
apache-ivy                        java-maint-sig, mizdebsk,        2 weeks ago
apache-rat                        mizdebsk, orphan                 4 weeks ago
bugzilla2fedmsg                   orphan                           4 weeks ago
cbi-plugins                       eclipse-sig, kdaniel, mbooth,    3 weeks ago
                                  orphan, rgrunber
ckeditor                          orphan                           1 weeks ago
dnstracer                         orphan                           0 weeks ago
drupal7                           asrob, jsmith, orphan,           1 weeks ago
drupal7-active_tags               asrob, orphan, sdodson           1 weeks ago
drupal7-admin_language            asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-backup_migrate            asrob, orphan, pfrields,         1 weeks ago
drupal7-boxes                     asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-cck                       asrob, orphan, sdodson           1 weeks ago
drupal7-chosen                    asrob, orphan, sdodson           1 weeks ago
drupal7-context                   asrob, orphan, sdodson           1 weeks ago
drupal7-crumbs                    asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-cs_adaptive_image         asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-domain                    asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-domain_locale             asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-domain_views              asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-drafty                    orphan                           1 weeks ago
drupal7-drush_language            asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-ds                        asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-entity                    asrob, orphan, sdodson           1 weeks ago
drupal7-entity_translation        asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-eva                       asrob, orphan, sdodson           1 weeks ago
drupal7-features_extra            asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-fences                    asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-field_permissions         asrob, orphan, sdodson           1 weeks ago
drupal7-file_entity               asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-file_entity_inline        asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-fivestar                  asrob, orphan, sdodson           1 weeks ago
drupal7-i18n                      asrob, orphan, pfrields,         1 weeks ago
drupal7-i18n_boxes                asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-i18nviews                 asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-jquery_update             asrob, orphan, sdodson           1 weeks ago
drupal7-l10n_client               asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-l10n_pconfig              asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-l10n_server               asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-l10n_update               asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-lang_dropdown             asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-language_cookie           asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-language_switcher         asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-languageicons             asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-libraries                 asrob, orphan, sdodson           1 weeks ago
drupal7-link                      asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-locale_auto_import        asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-locale_cookie             asrob, orphan, sdodson           1 weeks ago
drupal7-markdown                  asrob, orphan, sdodson           1 weeks ago
drupal7-menu_token                asrob, orphan, sdodson           1 weeks ago
drupal7-metatag                   asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-migrate                   asrob, orphan, sdodson           1 weeks ago
drupal7-path_breadcrumbs          asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-potx                      asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-profiler                  asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-stringoverrides           asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-taxonomy_access_fix       asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-theme-zen                 asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-title                     asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-tmgmt                     asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-translation_helpers       asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-translation_overview      asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-translation_table         asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-transliteration           asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-uuid                      orphan                           1 weeks ago
drupal7-variable                  asrob, orphan, sdodson           1 weeks ago
drupal7-views_rss                 asrob, orphan                    1 weeks ago
drupal7-votingapi                 asrob, orphan, sdodson           1 weeks ago
drupal8                           orphan                           1 weeks ago
drush                             orphan                           1 weeks ago
eclipse-ecf                       eclipse-sig, kdaniel, mbooth,    3 weeks ago
                                  orphan, rgrunber
eclipse-egit                      eclipse-sig, jerboaa,            3 weeks ago
                                  jjohnstn, mbooth, orphan,
eclipse-emf                       eclipse-sig, jjohnstn, mbooth,   3 weeks ago
                                  orphan, rgrunber
eclipse-gef                       eclipse-sig, mbooth, orphan,     3 weeks ago
eclipse-jgit                      eclipse-sig, jerboaa,            3 weeks ago
                                  jjohnstn, mbooth, orphan,
eclipse-license                   eclipse-sig, mbooth, orphan      3 weeks ago
eclipse-m2e-workspace             eclipse-sig, mbooth, mizdebsk,   3 weeks ago
eclipse-subclipse                 eclipse-sig, kdaniel, mbooth,    3 weeks ago
eclipse-webtools                  eclipse-sig, galileo, mbooth,    3 weeks ago
felix-gogo-command                orphan                           3 weeks ago
felix-gogo-parent                 mizdebsk, orphan                 3 weeks ago
felix-gogo-runtime                mizdebsk, orphan                 3 weeks ago
felix-gogo-shell                  mizdebsk, orphan                 3 weeks ago
felix-scr                         jerboaa, mbooth, orphan          3 weeks ago
jakarta-commons-httpclient        java-maint-sig, mizdebsk,        2 weeks ago
jlems                             neuro-sig, orphan                4 weeks ago
jsemver                           orphan                           5 weeks ago
libcommuni                        atim, orphan                     5 weeks ago
libspf2                           orphan                           2 weeks ago
lucene                            dchen, eclipse-sig, jerboaa,     3 weeks ago
                                  lef, msimacek, orphan,
mkdocs-alabaster                  orphan                           3 weeks ago
mkdocs-bootstrap                  orphan                           3 weeks ago
mkdocs-bootswatch                 orphan                           3 weeks ago
mkdocs-cinder                     orphan                           3 weeks ago
mkdocs-material                   orphan                           3 weeks ago
nohang                            atim, orphan                     4 weeks ago
olpc-netutils                     orphan                           5 weeks ago
olpc-switch-desktop               orphan                           4 weeks ago
php-EasyRdf                       orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-Faker                         orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-JMSParser                     orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-JsonSchema                    orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
php-Metadata                      orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-Monolog                       orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-PHPParser                     orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
php-PhpCollection                 orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-PhpOption                     orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-Smarty                        cdamian, orphan                  1 weeks ago
php-SymfonyCmfRouting             orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-akamai-open-edgegrid-auth     orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-akamai-open-edgegrid-client   orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-amqplib                       orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-asm89-stack-cors              orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-aws-php-sns-message-          orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-behat-gherkin                 orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-behat-mink                    orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-behat-mink-browserkit-        orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-brumann-polyfill-             orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-cache-adapter-common          orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-cache-filesystem-adapter      orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-cache-integration-tests       orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-cache-tag-interop             orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-channel-digitalsandwich       cdamian, orphan                  1 weeks ago
php-channel-dropbox-php           brummbq, orphan                  1 weeks ago
php-channel-phpdoc                cdamian, orphan                  1 weeks ago
php-channel-phpqatools            cdamian, orphan                  1 weeks ago
php-channel-phpseclib             adamwill, orphan                 1 weeks ago
php-channel-pirum                 orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-channel-sabredav              orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-channel-symfony               cdamian, orphan, remi            1 weeks ago
php-cilex1                        orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-clue-block-react              orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-clue-stream-filter            orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-codeception-specify           orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-codeception-verify            orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-consolidation-annotated-      orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-consolidation-config          orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-consolidation-log             orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-consolidation-output-         orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-container-interop             orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
php-deepend-Mockery               cdamian, orphan, remi            1 weeks ago
php-dflydev-dot-access-data       orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-di                            orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-di-invoker                    orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-di-phpdoc-reader              orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-di-symfony2-bridge            orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-digitalsandwich-Phake         cdamian, orphan                  1 weeks ago
php-dnoegel-php-xdg-base-dir      orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-doctrine-annotations          orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
php-doctrine-cache                orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
php-doctrine-collections          orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
php-doctrine-common               orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
php-doctrine-datafixtures         orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
php-doctrine-doctrine-bundle      orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
php-doctrine-doctrine-cache-      orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
php-doctrine-inflector            orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
php-doctrine-lexer                orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
php-doctrine-orm                  orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
php-dropbox-php-Dropbox           brummbq, orphan                  1 weeks ago
php-egulias-email-validator       orphan                           0 weeks ago
php-erusev-parsedown              orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-evenement                     bowlofeggs, orphan               1 weeks ago
php-fedora-autoloader             orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
php-fig-link-util                 orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-firebase-php-jwt              orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-firephp-firephp-core          orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-flow-jsonpath                 orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-gliph                         orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-google-apiclient              orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-google-apiclient-services     orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-google-apiclient1             orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-google-auth                   orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-goutte                        orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-grasmash-expander             orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-grasmash-yaml-expander        orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-guzzlehttp-guzzle             orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-guzzlehttp-promises           orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-guzzlehttp-ringphp            orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-guzzlehttp-streams            orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-henrikbjorn-lurker            orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-jakub-onderka-php-console-    orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-jakub-onderka-php-console-    orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-jakubledl-dissect             orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-jdorn-sql-formatter           orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-jms-serializer                orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-jsonlint                      orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
php-league-climate                orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-league-container              orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-masterminds-html5             orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-mnapoli-phpunit-easymock      orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-mtdowling-jmespath-php        orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-mtdowling-transducers         orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-natxet-cssmin                 adamwill, jhogarth, orphan       1 weeks ago
php-ocramius-code-generator-      orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
php-ocramius-generated-hydrator   orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
php-ocramius-proxy-manager        orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-paragonie-random-compat       orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-patchwork-utf8                orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-pclzip                        orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-pda-pheanstalk                orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-pear-OLE                      ke4qqq, orphan                   1 weeks ago
php-phpdocumentor-fileset         orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-phpdocumentor-graphviz        orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-phpdocumentor-reflection-     orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-phpdocumentor-reflection-     orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-phpdocumentor-reflection1     orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-phpdocumentor-type-resolver   orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-phpseclib-crypt-aes           adamwill, orphan                 1 weeks ago
php-phpseclib-crypt-base          adamwill, orphan                 1 weeks ago
php-phpseclib-crypt-blowfish      adamwill, orphan                 1 weeks ago
php-phpseclib-crypt-des           adamwill, orphan                 1 weeks ago
php-phpseclib-crypt-hash          adamwill, orphan                 1 weeks ago
php-phpseclib-crypt-random        adamwill, orphan                 1 weeks ago
php-phpseclib-crypt-rc4           adamwill, orphan                 1 weeks ago
php-phpseclib-crypt-rijndael      adamwill, orphan                 1 weeks ago
php-phpseclib-crypt-rsa           adamwill, orphan                 1 weeks ago
php-phpseclib-crypt-tripledes     adamwill, orphan                 1 weeks ago
php-phpseclib-crypt-twofish       adamwill, orphan                 1 weeks ago
php-phpseclib-net-sftp            adamwill, orphan                 1 weeks ago
php-phpseclib-net-ssh2            adamwill, orphan                 1 weeks ago
php-pimple1                       orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-pirum-Pirum                   orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-psr-cache                     orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-psr-http-message              orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-psr-link                      orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-psr-simple-cache              orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-react-cache                   orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-react-child-process           orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-react-dns                     orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-react-event-loop              orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-react-http                    orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-react-http-client             orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-react-promise                 orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-react-promise-stream          orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-react-promise-timer           orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-react-socket                  orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-react-stream                  orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-ringcentral-psr7              orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-robrichards-xmlseclibs        jhogarth, orphan                 1 weeks ago
php-robrichards-xmlseclibs1       jhogarth, orphan                 1 weeks ago
php-robrichards-xmlseclibs3       orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-sabredav-Sabre                orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-sabredav-Sabre_VObject        orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
php-sentry                        orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-simplesamlphp-saml2           orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-simplesamlphp-saml2_3         orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-stack-builder                 orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-symfony                       jhogarth, orphan, remi           1 weeks ago
php-symfony-polyfill              orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-symfony-psr-http-message-     orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-symfony-security-acl          jhogarth, orphan, remi           1 weeks ago
php-symfony3                      orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
php-symfony4                      orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
php-twig                          orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
php-twig-extensions               orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-typo3-phar-stream-wrapper2    orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-victorjonsson-markdowndocs    orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-vlucas-phpdotenv              orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-webflo-drupal-finder          orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-webimpress-safe-writer        orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
php-webmozart-assert              orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-webmozart-path-util           orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-when                          brummbq, orphan                  1 weeks ago
php-whitehat101-apr1-md5          orphan                           1 weeks ago
php-xmlseclibs                    fkooman, orphan                  1 weeks ago
php-zetacomponents-document       orphan                           1 weeks ago
phpdoc                            orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
portals-pom                       orphan                           4 weeks ago
psysh                             orphan                           1 weeks ago
python-cocotb                     orphan                           0 weeks ago
python-django-braces              orphan                           5 weeks ago
python-flask-script               ishcherb, jkaluza, orphan,       2 weeks ago
python-getkey                     orphan                           4 weeks ago
python-lunr                       orphan                           3 weeks ago
python-mdx_gh_links               orphan                           3 weeks ago
python-opencensus                 orphan                           1 weeks ago
python-pymdown-extensions         orphan, sgallagh                 3 weeks ago
rhino                             ebaron, orphan                   3 weeks ago
rubygem-hashie                    jstribny, orphan, valtri         5 weeks ago
rubygem-logstasher                orphan, valtri                   3 weeks ago
rust-line_drawing                 orphan, rust-sig                 2 weeks ago
svgsalamander                     orphan                           4 weeks ago
takari-polyglot                   mbooth, orphan                   3 weeks ago
tycho                             eclipse-sig, kdaniel, mbooth,    3 weeks ago
                                  mizdebsk, orphan

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Report too long, see the full version at

See dependency chains of your packages at
See all orphaned packages at https://packager-dashboard.fedoraproject.org/orphan

Affected (co)maintainers (either directly or via packages' dependencies):
adamwill: php-phpseclib-crypt-hash, php-phpseclib-crypt-des, php-phpseclib-crypt-rc4, php-phpseclib-net-sftp, php-phpseclib-crypt-aes, php-phpseclib-crypt-twofish, php-phpseclib-crypt-rijndael, php-channel-phpseclib, php-phpseclib-crypt-random, php-natxet-cssmin, php-phpseclib-crypt-rsa, php-fedora-autoloader, php-phpseclib-crypt-blowfish, php-phpseclib-crypt-tripledes, php-phpseclib-net-ssh2, php-phpseclib-crypt-base aikidouke: php-guzzlehttp-guzzle, php-paragonie-random-compat, php-sentry, php-mtdowling-jmespath-php, php-guzzlehttp-ringphp, php-aws-php-sns-message-validator, php-Monolog ankursinha: php-guzzlehttp-guzzle, php-paragonie-random-compat, php-sentry, php-mtdowling-jmespath-php, php-guzzlehttp-ringphp, php-aws-php-sns-message-validator, php-Monolog asrob: php-symfony, drupal7-file_entity_inline, drupal7-fivestar, drupal7-cs_adaptive_image, php-phpdocumentor-reflection1, drupal7-entity_translation, drupal7-domain_views, drupal7-translation_helpers, drupal7-l10n_update, drupal7-fences, php-fig-link-util, drupal7-backup_migrate, drupal7-transliteration, drupal7-l10n_client, drupal7-stringoverrides, drupal7-admin_language, drupal7-l10n_pconfig, drupal7-variable, drupal7, drupal7-path_breadcrumbs, drupal7-i18n, drupal7-metatag, drupal7-crumbs, drupal7-libraries, drupal7-locale_cookie, drupal7-cck, drupal7-locale_auto_import, drupal7-field_permissions, drupal7-i18n_boxes, drupal7-profiler, drupal7-votingapi, php-doctrine-orm, drupal7-jquery_update, php-Monolog, drupal7-drush_language, drupal7-eva, php-symfony-polyfill, php-doctrine-doctrine-bundle, drupal7-theme-zen, drupal7-i18nviews, ckeditor, php-symfony4, drupal7-language_cookie, php-psr-simple-cache, php-doctrine-datafixtures, php-twig, php-phpdocumentor-reflection-docblock2, php-psr-link, php-guzzlehttp-promises, drupal7-file_entity, drupal7-l10n_server, drupal7-title, drupal7-entity, php-sentry, drupal7-context, php-symfony-security-acl, drupal7-uuid, php-symfony3, php-egulias-email-validator, drupal7-boxes, drupal7-markdown, drupal7-menu_token, drupal7-chosen, drupal7-taxonomy_access_fix, drupal7-drafty, drupal7-language_switcher, drupal7-lang_dropdown, drupal7-link, php-doctrine-doctrine-cache-bundle, drupal7-potx, drupal7-ds, drupal7-features_extra, drupal7-languageicons, drupal7-active_tags, drupal7-views_rss, drupal7-domain_locale, php-jsonlint, php-masterminds-html5, drupal7-domain, drupal7-tmgmt, drupal7-migrate, drupal7-translation_table, drupal7-translation_overview, php-jdorn-sql-formatter
atim: nohang, libcommuni
atkac: php-paragonie-random-compat
bkabrda: python-flask-script
bowlofeggs: php-fedora-autoloader, php-evenement
breilly: python-flask-script
brummbq: php-channel-dropbox-php, php-when, php-dropbox-php-Dropbox, php-fedora-autoloader cdamian: php-channel-symfony, php-symfony, php-mtdowling-jmespath-php, php-guzzlehttp-ringphp, php-symfony-polyfill, php-digitalsandwich-Phake, php-doctrine-doctrine-bundle, php-doctrine-doctrine-cache-bundle, php-phpdocumentor-reflection1, php-symfony4, php-doctrine-datafixtures, php-psr-simple-cache, php-channel-digitalsandwich, php-guzzlehttp-promises, php-phpdocumentor-reflection-docblock2, php-psr-link, php-twig, php-deepend-Mockery, php-paragonie-random-compat, php-sentry, php-fig-link-util, php-jdorn-sql-formatter, php-jsonlint, php-channel-phpdoc, php-Smarty, php-fedora-autoloader, php-aws-php-sns-message-validator, php-symfony-security-acl, php-symfony3, php-egulias-email-validator, php-masterminds-html5, php-guzzlehttp-guzzle, php-doctrine-orm, php-Monolog, php-channel-phpqatools
cverna: python-flask-script
cwickert: php-masterminds-html5, php-guzzlehttp-guzzle, php-react-promise, php-guzzlehttp-streams, php-guzzlehttp-ringphp, php-fedora-autoloader, php-guzzlehttp-promises
cycloptivity: drupal7
dbhole: rhino
dchen: lucene
dwmw2: libspf2
ebaron: rhino
eclipse-sig: eclipse-m2e-workspace, lucene, eclipse-jgit, eclipse-license, ant-contrib, tycho, jakarta-commons-httpclient, apache-ivy, eclipse-gef, eclipse-webtools, eclipse-egit, eclipse-emf, eclipse-ecf, eclipse-subclipse, cbi-plugins, takari-polyglot
fab: mkdocs-material, python-mdx_gh_links, python-lunr, python-pymdown-extensions
filiperosset: rhino
fkooman: php-xmlseclibs, php-fedora-autoloader
galileo: lucene, ant-contrib, eclipse-license, tycho, jakarta-commons-httpclient, apache-ivy, eclipse-webtools, eclipse-gef, eclipse-emf, takari-polyglot ignatenkobrain: php-google-apiclient1, php-pear-OLE, php-fedora-autoloader, php-psr-http-message
infra-sig: python-flask-script
ishcherb: python-flask-script
java-maint-sig: jakarta-commons-httpclient, apache-ivy, ant-contrib
jerboaa: lucene, eclipse-jgit, felix-gogo-runtime, portals-pom, eclipse-license, felix-gogo-parent, tycho, felix-scr, eclipse-egit, takari-polyglot jhogarth: php-doctrine-common, php-symfony, php-ocramius-proxy-manager, php-mtdowling-jmespath-php, php-guzzlehttp-ringphp, php-natxet-cssmin, php-robrichards-xmlseclibs, php-symfony-polyfill, php-robrichards-xmlseclibs1, php-doctrine-doctrine-bundle, php-doctrine-doctrine-cache-bundle, php-phpdocumentor-reflection1, php-psr-cache, php-symfony4, php-doctrine-datafixtures, php-psr-simple-cache, php-twig, php-guzzlehttp-promises, php-phpdocumentor-reflection-docblock2, php-psr-link, php-webmozart-assert, php-doctrine-cache, php-cache-integration-tests, php-paragonie-random-compat, php-sentry, php-fig-link-util, php-cache-tag-interop, php-jsonlint, php-guzzlehttp-streams, php-phpdocumentor-reflection-common, php-fedora-autoloader, php-aws-php-sns-message-validator, php-symfony-security-acl, php-symfony3, php-phpdocumentor-type-resolver, php-egulias-email-validator, php-doctrine-collections, php-masterminds-html5, php-guzzlehttp-guzzle, php-doctrine-orm, php-ocramius-code-generator-utils, php-ocramius-generated-hydrator, php-doctrine-lexer, php-Monolog, php-jdorn-sql-formatter, php-doctrine-annotations
jjelen: portals-pom
jjohnstn: eclipse-jgit, eclipse-license, tycho, eclipse-egit, eclipse-emf, takari-polyglot
jkaluza: python-flask-script
jlaska: php-guzzlehttp-guzzle, php-paragonie-random-compat, php-sentry, php-mtdowling-jmespath-php, php-guzzlehttp-ringphp, php-aws-php-sns-message-validator, php-Monolog
jorton: php-fedora-autoloader
jskarvad: libspf2
jsmith: drupal7-libraries, drupal7, drupal7-entity
jstanley: php-guzzlehttp-guzzle, php-paragonie-random-compat, php-sentry, php-mtdowling-jmespath-php, php-guzzlehttp-ringphp, php-aws-php-sns-message-validator, php-Monolog
jstribny: rubygem-hashie
jvanek: lucene, ant-contrib, jakarta-commons-httpclient, apache-ivy, rhino
kalev: python-flask-script
kanarip: libspf2
kaptk2: php-paragonie-random-compat
kdaniel: ant-contrib, eclipse-license, tycho, jakarta-commons-httpclient, apache-ivy, eclipse-gef, eclipse-ecf, eclipse-subclipse, cbi-plugins, takari-polyglot
ke4qqq: php-pear-OLE
kevin: php-masterminds-html5, php-guzzlehttp-guzzle, libspf2, php-react-promise, php-guzzlehttp-ringphp, php-guzzlehttp-streams, php-fedora-autoloader, php-guzzlehttp-promises lcts: php-symfony, php-mtdowling-jmespath-php, php-guzzlehttp-ringphp, php-symfony-polyfill, php-doctrine-doctrine-bundle, php-doctrine-doctrine-cache-bundle, php-phpdocumentor-reflection1, php-psr-cache, php-symfony4, php-doctrine-datafixtures, php-psr-simple-cache, php-twig, php-guzzlehttp-promises, php-phpdocumentor-reflection-docblock2, php-psr-link, php-doctrine-cache, php-cache-integration-tests, php-paragonie-random-compat, php-sentry, php-fig-link-util, php-cache-tag-interop, php-jsonlint, php-guzzlehttp-streams, php-fedora-autoloader, php-aws-php-sns-message-validator, php-symfony-security-acl, php-symfony3, php-egulias-email-validator, php-masterminds-html5, php-guzzlehttp-guzzle, php-doctrine-orm, php-react-promise, php-Monolog, php-jdorn-sql-formatter
lef: lucene
limb: php-google-apiclient1, php-pear-OLE, php-fedora-autoloader
llaumgui: php-symfony, php-symfony-polyfill, php-doctrine-doctrine-bundle, php-doctrine-doctrine-cache-bundle, php-phpdocumentor-reflection1, php-symfony4, php-doctrine-datafixtures, php-psr-simple-cache, php-twig, php-guzzlehttp-promises, php-phpdocumentor-reflection-docblock2, php-psr-link, rhino, php-sentry, php-fig-link-util, php-jsonlint, php-fedora-autoloader, php-symfony-security-acl, php-symfony3, php-egulias-email-validator, php-masterminds-html5, php-doctrine-orm, php-Monolog, php-jdorn-sql-formatter
mavit: rhino
maxamillion: python-flask-script
mbooth: jakarta-commons-httpclient, eclipse-emf, eclipse-m2e-workspace, takari-polyglot, eclipse-license, ant-contrib, apache-ivy, felix-scr, eclipse-ecf, eclipse-subclipse, eclipse-jgit, eclipse-gef, cbi-plugins, lucene, felix-gogo-runtime, felix-gogo-parent, tycho, eclipse-webtools, eclipse-egit
mhjacks: rhino
mikem: python-flask-script
mizdebsk: lucene, felix-gogo-shell, felix-gogo-runtime, portals-pom, ant-contrib, felix-gogo-parent, tycho, jakarta-commons-httpclient, apache-rat, apache-ivy, eclipse-m2e-workspace, takari-polyglot mooninite: php-symfony, php-mtdowling-jmespath-php, php-guzzlehttp-ringphp, php-symfony-polyfill, php-doctrine-doctrine-bundle, php-doctrine-doctrine-cache-bundle, php-phpdocumentor-reflection1, php-doctrine-datafixtures, php-psr-simple-cache, php-twig, php-phpdocumentor-reflection-docblock2, php-psr-link, php-paragonie-random-compat, php-sentry, php-fig-link-util, php-jsonlint, php-guzzlehttp-streams, php-aws-php-sns-message-validator, php-symfony-security-acl, php-symfony3, php-egulias-email-validator, php-guzzlehttp-guzzle, php-doctrine-orm, php-Monolog, php-jdorn-sql-formatter
msimacek: lucene
music: python-mdx_gh_links, python-lunr
neuro-sig: jlems
omajid: rhino
otaylor: python-flask-script
pfrields: drupal7-i18n, drupal7-entity, drupal7-backup_migrate, drupal7-variable, drupal7
pghmcfc: libspf2
ralph: python-flask-script
raphgro: rhino
remi: php-channel-symfony, php-doctrine-common, php-phpdocumentor-fileset, php-symfony, php-PhpOption, php-ocramius-proxy-manager, php-mtdowling-jmespath-php, php-guzzlehttp-ringphp, php-symfony-polyfill, php-PHPParser, php-doctrine-doctrine-bundle, php-erusev-parsedown, php-doctrine-doctrine-cache-bundle, php-phpdocumentor-reflection1, php-PhpCollection, php-zetacomponents-document, php-amqplib, php-symfony4, php-psr-cache, php-doctrine-datafixtures, php-doctrine-inflector, php-channel-phpseclib, php-twig, php-guzzlehttp-promises, php-phpdocumentor-graphviz, php-JsonSchema, php-phpdocumentor-reflection-docblock2, php-psr-link, php-psr-simple-cache, php-webmozart-assert, php-deepend-Mockery, php-doctrine-cache, php-cache-integration-tests, php-paragonie-random-compat, php-JMSParser, php-container-interop, php-fig-link-util, php-sentry, php-cache-tag-interop, php-sabredav-Sabre, php-jsonlint, php-guzzlehttp-streams, php-Faker, php-phpdocumentor-reflection-common, php-fedora-autoloader, php-aws-php-sns-message-validator, php-symfony-security-acl, php-psr-http-message, php-symfony3, php-webimpress-safe-writer, phpdoc, php-phpdocumentor-type-resolver, php-egulias-email-validator, php-doctrine-collections, php-masterminds-html5, php-guzzlehttp-guzzle, php-Metadata, php-doctrine-orm, php-react-promise, php-cilex1, php-channel-sabredav, php-ocramius-code-generator-utils, php-jms-serializer, php-ocramius-generated-hydrator, php-doctrine-lexer, php-sabredav-Sabre_VObject, php-Monolog, php-jdorn-sql-formatter, php-pimple1, php-doctrine-annotations rgrunber: lucene, eclipse-jgit, ant-contrib, eclipse-license, tycho, jakarta-commons-httpclient, apache-ivy, eclipse-gef, eclipse-egit, eclipse-emf, eclipse-ecf, cbi-plugins, takari-polyglot robert: php-symfony, php-symfony-polyfill, php-doctrine-doctrine-bundle, php-doctrine-doctrine-cache-bundle, php-phpdocumentor-reflection1, php-symfony4, php-doctrine-datafixtures, php-psr-simple-cache, php-twig, php-guzzlehttp-promises, php-phpdocumentor-reflection-docblock2, php-psr-link, php-sentry, php-fig-link-util, php-jsonlint, php-fedora-autoloader, php-symfony-security-acl, php-symfony3, php-egulias-email-validator, php-masterminds-html5, php-doctrine-orm, php-Monolog, php-jdorn-sql-formatter
roma: php-fedora-autoloader
rust-sig: rust-line_drawing
sdodson: drupal7-eva, drupal7-drafty, drupal7-fivestar, drupal7-variable, drupal7, drupal7-active_tags, drupal7-i18n, drupal7-entity, drupal7-libraries, drupal7-locale_cookie, drupal7-cck, drupal7-context, drupal7-uuid, drupal7-field_permissions, drupal7-migrate, drupal7-votingapi, drupal7-markdown, drupal7-menu_token, drupal7-chosen, drupal7-backup_migrate, drupal7-jquery_update
sergiomb: php-google-apiclient1, php-pear-OLE
sgallagh: python-pymdown-extensions
smani: python-mdx_gh_links, python-lunr
spike: portals-pom
suanand: php-fedora-autoloader
suve: php-paragonie-random-compat, php-fedora-autoloader
tc01: ckeditor
ttomecek: python-flask-script
twaugh: python-flask-script
valtri: rubygem-logstasher, rubygem-hashie
vrutkovs: python-flask-script
xavierb: php-erusev-parsedown
zzambers: jakarta-commons-httpclient, apache-ivy, ant-contrib

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