Self Introduction: Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

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Hello everyone, recommended to introduce myself so here it is.
My name is Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden (commonly known as ekohl) and I in 
my day job I work on the Foreman project[1]. Historically I've mostly 
been involved with the (Puppet-based) installer but over time I've also 
worked on most aspects of the project. Most notably I've also done quite 
a bit of the packaging[2].
Right now I want to become a Fedora maintainer to improve the state of 
the Puppet package and its dependencies. It's totally broken in Fedora 
34 which is holding back my F33 -> F34 upgrade.
I've also contributed patches upstream and have a good working 
relationship with Puppet (formerly Puppetlabs).
As a start I've reviewed a PR to update Facter[3].

Something else I'd like to do is bring puppet-resource_api into Fedora. Right now it's only packaged for EPEL8[4] but we'd need it in Fedora too.
Once that's all done, I'd like to update Puppet itself from 5.5.20 
(incompatible with Ruby 3) to 7.7.0. I have a patch ready, but need to 
fix it to also package the bundled modules.
So a concrete list of packages I'd be interested in keeping up to date:

Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

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