Re: koji buildsystem changes

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On 12/16/20 12:18 AM, Miroslav Suchý wrote:
Dne 15. 12. 20 v 11:39 Panu Matilainen napsal(a):
BTW, I'm not aware of the details how the images are built these days, but of course *something* will still need to
build those images,
That is normal podman image of Fedora.

Strictly speaking you will still need to have compatibility with latest released Fedora (I guess we do not have rawhide
podman images, right?). But once you have that image you can run the Mock on anything archaic. As long as the thing is
capable of running podman.

I'm actually talking about the other extreme, the "archaic" use-case 
isn't interesting to me personally.
To allow rpm and its dependencies to use features only in rawhide would 
require a rolling rawhide image to be used for the build of the next 
image, and as things can and will go wrong, it'd need to be possible to 
back down to a known good image.
Besides other issues and complexities, rpm utilizing this to maximum 
would mean that you can't distro-upgrade from an N-1 version anymore 
(you'd need to boot into an image of the new distro first), and I don't 
think Fedora's upgrade-tooling is ready for that. Would've worked with 
the anaconda upgrade method of the old, but what's gone is gone...
So with these caveats in mind, I think the current situation is about as 
good as it's going to get. Which is by no means a small thing, like said 
it's HUGE for me!
	- Panu -
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