Re: Depend on git-core instead of git if possible

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On 11/3/20 5:10 PM, clime wrote:
On Tue, 3 Nov 2020 at 15:40, Vít Ondruch <vondruch@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dne 03. 11. 20 v 11:54 Petr Pisar napsal(a):

On Mon, Nov 02, 2020 at 12:03:12PM +0100, Miro Hrončok wrote:

git (amahdal, besser82, chrisw, pcahyna, pstodulk, skisela, tmz)
git.src requires cvs
git-cvs.noarch requires cvs

<everything else> ( <everybody else>)
<package> requires git

Note that if xinetd indeed goes away, your package will most likely not be
affected, unless you actually need git-cvs.

Nontheless the packagers should review their packages whether they indeed have
to depend on the full-blown git which pulls in Perl and Python. Very probably
they could switch to a tinier git-core:

Or switch to depend on `%{_bindir}/git`?
If we do it like this, we will never be able drop repo download times
for Fedora users.

I personally think packages should depend on package names only even
though filelists.xml lazy loading is not yet implemented
Actually, several locations end up in primary metadata.

And as a side note, it is not recommended to use %{_bindir} in buildrequires. The package actually needs /usr/bin/git even if you redefine %{_bindir} (e.g. in a flatpak build). However I cannot find the discussion about this.
Miro Hrončok
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