Re: booting successfully with read-only file system

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On 7/2/20 3:10 PM, Christopher Engelhard wrote:
On 02.07.20 17:53, Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek wrote:
It would be great if we could fairly reliably boot with a read-only
root file system, all the way to the graphical environment. Obviously,
such a machine will not be fully functional, but for users, debugging a
disk problem when they have the normal environment with windows,
tabbed terminals, graphical editors, and internet is vastly easier.

It also creates an image of robustness. Imagine that instead of being
rudely dropped to a terminal prompt, the user is instead able to log in
as usual and see a popup like
Your home directory is read-only. Do this and that. See https://...
That would be fantastic, and would be miles ahead from any UX I had on
any computer, ever.

I hope we can all cooperate to make read-only boots nicely robust and
functional. Please play with this and report bugs. I'll try to solve any
that relate to systemd. The systemd version with udev.blockdev-read-only
is not released yet, but is available from koji ci builds [11].
Thanks for working on this, I will definitely give it a try myself.

This sounds excellent!

Could we somehow provide a list of links that may be helpful to recover from certain common failures? Maybe in a MOTD?
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