As you might already know, we have recently merged in the Python 3.9 side tag,
despite several builds have not succeeded. We always aim for some compromise
between having the side tag open for too long and having too many failures.
The packages, when not rebuilt, are not installable in rawhide, hence fixing
them should be our top priority. If you need help with Python related issues, we
(the Python Maintenance team at Red Hat) are happy to help. Unfortunately,
several packages fail to build for Python-unrelated reasons.
Some of the actual build failures already have a bugzilla open from our copr
rebuilds. Others don't have it yet because the error only manifested on some
architecture other than x86_64. I'll get back to this next week and open the
remaining bugzillas.
Most of the packages only fail to build because their dependencies were not yet
rebuilt. Chances are, you already got an automated bugzilla from Igor, that your
package fails to install. It would be really helpful if you could find the
missing dependency and mark the bugzilla for your package dependent on the
bugzilla for the missing dep. I slowly progress to do that as well, but your
help is crucial here.
Let me know if you have questions.
Here is the list:
Maintainers by package:
5minute jhutar pmoravco
Mayavi chedi orion
TurboGears2 cverna ondrejj
Zim cheeselee ohaessler
abiword herrold huzaifas uwog
airinv denisarnaud
airrac denisarnaud
airtsp denisarnaud
ansible kevin toshio wzzrd
ansible-inventory-grapher pnemade
ansible-lint pnemade
ansible-review dcallagh ttrinks
ara dmsimard
blender design-sw hobbes1069 ignatenkobrain kwizart luya roma
s4504kr slaanesh
bugzilla2fedmsg abompard
calibre chkr heliocastro kevin nushio zbyszek
cantor jreznik rdieter than
cinch greghellings
cjdns sdgathman
coccinelle rjones
commissaire-client mbarnes smilner
coreboot-utils lkundrak peter
cryptlib senderek
csound pbrobinson sdz
cura churchyard gferon
diffoscope halfie zbyszek
distro-info suraia
enjarify zbyszek
fonttools pnemade tagoh
freecad hobbes1069 jkastner zultron
gdeploy ramkrsna sac
gfal2-util adev andreamanzi gbitzes
gmsh hobbes1069 ignatenkobrain jkastner smani
gpaw marcindulak
home-assistant-cli fab
imgbased dougsland fabiand sbonazzo yuvalturg
ipsilon ngompa puiterwijk simo
kdevelop-python dvratil jgrulich minh
komikku atim lyessaadi
lazygal rathann
libcec pbrobinson
libfreenect jkastner kwizart rmattes
libtaskotron mkrizek
libuser herczy jhrozek mitr
lilv bsjones nphilipp tartina
luxcorerender besser82 kwizart luya
m2crypto mitr ngompa
mailman3 abompard
micropipenv lbalhar
mirrormanager2 adrian
mlt martinkg sergiomb
mnemosyne itamarjp jpopelka rathann
module-build-service cqi jkaluza mikem mprahl qwan ralph vmaljulin
mom aglitke msivak sbonazzo
moose zbyszek
mu churchyard kushal
needrestart duck
notcurses nickblack
nototools mfabian pwu
ocrmypdf qulogic
openslide-python bgilbert
osc hguemar msuchy ngompa
paraview deji orion sagitter
pcp agerstmayr lberk mgoodwin nathans
pcs cfeist idevat mlisik omular tojeline
petsc4py sagitter
player kwizart rmattes timn ttorling
pre-commit atim chedi churchyard major
py3status gchamoul kubo
pydeps lbazan
pyee pbrobinson
pyflakes mrunge sbonazzo
pygrib jdekloe
pymol sagitter sergiomb
pyosmium tomh
pyproj jdekloe
python-AppTools chedi orion
python-CacheControl decathorpe
python-IPy kevin
python-SALib ankursinha
python-Traits ignatenkobrain orion
python-aioresponses gsauthof
python-ansible-runner radez
python-anyio carlwgeorge fab
python-aodhclient apevec
python-apsw cicku dfateyev maci
python-asteval fab
python-astral fab
python-astroML lupinix
python-astroscrappy lupinix
python-asttokens zbyszek
python-astunparse churchyard
python-asynctest gsauthof
python-azure-sdk melmorabity
python-azure-storage melmorabity
python-barbicanclient chandankumar jruzicka
python-basemap jspaleta limb
python-beniget churchyard
python-black cheimes churchyard
python-capturer cottsay
python-cartopy qulogic
python-ccdproc lupinix
python-chameleon lmacken ralph tdabasin
python-chaospy lbazan
python-cheroot ignatenkobrain jcaratzas radez
python-cherrypy ignatenkobrain jcaratzas mrunge radez
python-cocotb tc01
python-coloredlogs cottsay
python-compreffor athoscr
python-congressclient amoralej
python-cram ktdreyer
python-cu2qu athoscr
python-debianbts huzaifas
python-descartes qulogic
python-designateclient apevec vkmc
python-devtools fab
python-diff-cover abompard dshea
python-django-formtools jpena mrunge
python-docx kushal124
python-elpy lbazan
python-envisage orion
python-f5-icontrol-rest xavierb
python-f5-sdk xavierb
python-fiona qulogic
python-firehose athoscr dmalcolm
python-flake8 fale mrunge sgallagh
python-flake8-import-order zbyszek
python-flake8-polyfill cottsay
python-flask-assets kumarpraveen pjp sundaram
python-fontMath athoscr
python-freecell_solver shlomif
python-fs pnemade
python-fsleyes-props ankursinha
python-gast churchyard
python-gatspy lupinix
python-genshi fschwarz
python-geopandas qulogic
python-geoplot qulogic
python-gerritlib kashyapc
python-glanceclient apevec jruzicka
python-gnocchiclient mrunge pkilambi
python-googleapis-common-protos melmorabity
python-graph-tool ankursinha
python-grpcio-gcp melmorabity
python-hacking mrunge social
python-hdmf lbazan
python-heatclient apevec jruzicka ryansb zaneb
python-humanfriendly cottsay
python-imagehash fab
python-inema gsauthof
python-ipmi lbazan
python-jep raphgro
python-jsonrpc-server nonamedotc
python-keystoneauth1 alphacc apevec pabelanger
python-keystoneclient apevec jruzicka
python-language-server nonamedotc
python-libpysal qulogic
python-line_profiler jacksonisaac
python-magnumclient chandankumar
python-manilaclient zaitcev
python-mapclassify qulogic
python-metaextract defolos
python-missingno lbazan
python-mistralclient amoralej
python-mne ignatenkobrain
python-mne-bids lbazan
python-molten akhaitov
python-mplcairo qulogic
python-msal melmorabity
python-murano-pkg-check jpena
python-mutatormath athoscr
python-neo4j-driver mprahl
python-netssh2 lbazan
python-network-runner radez
python-neutronclient apevec jruzicka
python-nikola jamatos maxamillion
python-nipy ignatenkobrain
python-nistats ankursinha
python-nodeenv apevec chandankumar
python-novaclient apevec jruzicka
python-novaclient-os-networks ctria rjmco
python-novaclient-os-virtual-interfaces ctria rjmco
python-numpoly lbazan
python-octaviaclient cgoncalves
python-onionbalance maha
python-opencensus-proto melmorabity
python-openstackclient apevec jruzicka
python-openstacksdk jpena
python-os-client-config amoralej apevec pabelanger
python-osc-lib amoralej apevec hguemar jpena jruzicka
python-oslo-concurrency apevec mrunge
python-oslo-context apevec chandankumar
python-oslo-db apevec gchamoul
python-oslo-log apevec hguemar
python-oslo-serialization apevec nsaje social
python-oslo-utils apevec gchamoul
python-pcodedmp limb robert
python-peewee cstratak mstuchli vkrizan
python-pep8-naming qulogic
python-photutils sergiopr
python-pikepdf qulogic zdohnal
python-pingouin ankursinha
python-portend adeza jcaratzas radez
python-precis_i18n michich
python-pure-protobuf atim lyessaadi
python-pyev rebus
python-pyface chedi ignatenkobrain orion
python-pynetdicom alciregi
python-pynwb lbazan
python-pyriemann ignatenkobrain
python-pyscaffold ankursinha
python-pyshtools qulogic
python-pyside2 hobbes1069
python-pytest-flake8 ngompa
python-pytest-flakes chedi ignatenkobrain
python-pywt ignatenkobrain sergiopr
python-qdarkstyle nonamedotc
python-rope nonamedotc
python-saharaclient apevec egafford jruzicka mimccune
python-scikit-image orion sergiopr
python-shade larsks pabelanger
python-shapely jcp volter
python-sievelib jorti
python-simpleparse grover mlombard
python-slackclient limb
python-slixmpp fantom louizatakk
python-social-auth-core cqi
python-spyder-kernels nonamedotc
python-stdio-mgr fab
python-stem jorti
python-stompest abompard
python-tackerclient amoralej
python-taskflow apevec eharney
python-testinfra chedi ignatenkobrain wakko666
python-tilestache cottsay
python-tosca-parser chandankumar jpena jruzicka
python-traitsui chedi ignatenkobrain orion
python-trimesh ankursinha churchyard
python-troveclient jruzicka mrunge
python-tw2-core lmacken ondrejj ralph
python-tw2-forms ondrejj ralph
python-typing-inspect akhaitov
python-uamqp melmorabity
python-ufoLib2 pnemade
python-ufolib athoscr
python-uranium churchyard gferon
python-webassets dcallagh kumarpraveen pjp sundaram
python-webpy mrunge
python-ws4py fbo zuul
python-wtf-peewee cstratak mstuchli
python-x2go orion
python-xarray qulogic
python-xmp-toolkit qulogic
python-yara rebus
python-zeep gsauthof
python3-postgresql hhorak
pythran churchyard
pyzor ixs lucilanga robert tibbs
restview fab
rmol denisarnaud
sagemath pcpa
scribus pwalter sharkcz tripledes
sevmgr denisarnaud
trademgen denisarnaud
transtats-cli pnemade suanand
woffTools pnemade sandeeps
xonsh carmenbianca jdulaney
zbar firemanxbr mchehab slaanesh
Packages by maintainer:
abompard bugzilla2fedmsg mailman3 python-diff-cover python-stompest
adev gfal2-util
adeza python-portend
adrian mirrormanager2
agerstmayr pcp
aglitke mom
akhaitov python-molten python-typing-inspect
alciregi python-pynetdicom
alphacc python-keystoneauth1
amoralej python-congressclient python-mistralclient python-os-client-config
python-osc-lib python-tackerclient
andreamanzi gfal2-util
ankursinha python-SALib python-fsleyes-props python-graph-tool python-nistats
python-pingouin python-pyscaffold python-trimesh
apevec python-aodhclient python-designateclient python-glanceclient
python-heatclient python-keystoneauth1 python-keystoneclient
python-neutronclient python-nodeenv python-novaclient python-openstackclient
python-os-client-config python-osc-lib python-oslo-concurrency
python-oslo-context python-oslo-db python-oslo-log python-oslo-serialization
python-oslo-utils python-saharaclient python-taskflow
athoscr python-compreffor python-cu2qu python-firehose python-fontMath
python-mutatormath python-ufolib
atim komikku pre-commit python-pure-protobuf
besser82 luxcorerender
bgilbert openslide-python
bsjones lilv
carlwgeorge python-anyio
carmenbianca xonsh
cfeist pcs
cgoncalves python-octaviaclient
chandankumar python-barbicanclient python-magnumclient python-nodeenv
python-oslo-context python-tosca-parser
chedi Mayavi pre-commit python-AppTools python-pyface python-pytest-flakes
python-testinfra python-traitsui
cheeselee Zim
cheimes python-black
chkr calibre
churchyard cura mu pre-commit python-astunparse python-beniget python-black
python-gast python-trimesh python-uranium pythran
cicku python-apsw
cottsay python-capturer python-coloredlogs python-flake8-polyfill
python-humanfriendly python-tilestache
cqi module-build-service python-social-auth-core
cstratak python-peewee python-wtf-peewee
ctria python-novaclient-os-networks python-novaclient-os-virtual-interfaces
cverna TurboGears2
dcallagh ansible-review python-webassets
decathorpe python-CacheControl
defolos python-metaextract
deji paraview
denisarnaud airinv airrac airtsp rmol sevmgr trademgen
design-sw blender
dfateyev python-apsw
dmalcolm python-firehose
dmsimard ara
dougsland imgbased
dshea python-diff-cover
duck needrestart
dvratil kdevelop-python
egafford python-saharaclient
eharney python-taskflow
fab home-assistant-cli python-anyio python-asteval python-astral
python-devtools python-imagehash python-stdio-mgr restview
fabiand imgbased
fale python-flake8
fantom python-slixmpp
fbo python-ws4py
firemanxbr zbar
fschwarz python-genshi
gbitzes gfal2-util
gchamoul py3status python-oslo-db python-oslo-utils
gferon cura python-uranium
greghellings cinch
grover python-simpleparse
gsauthof python-aioresponses python-asynctest python-inema python-zeep
halfie diffoscope
heliocastro calibre
herczy libuser
herrold abiword
hguemar osc python-osc-lib python-oslo-log
hhorak python3-postgresql
hobbes1069 blender freecad gmsh python-pyside2
huzaifas abiword python-debianbts
idevat pcs
ignatenkobrain blender gmsh python-Traits python-cheroot python-cherrypy
python-mne python-nipy python-pyface python-pyriemann python-pytest-flakes
python-pywt python-testinfra python-traitsui
itamarjp mnemosyne
ixs pyzor
jacksonisaac python-line_profiler
jamatos python-nikola
jcaratzas python-cheroot python-cherrypy python-portend
jcp python-shapely
jdekloe pygrib pyproj
jdulaney xonsh
jgrulich kdevelop-python
jhrozek libuser
jhutar 5minute
jkaluza module-build-service
jkastner freecad gmsh libfreenect
jorti python-sievelib python-stem
jpena python-django-formtools python-murano-pkg-check python-openstacksdk
python-osc-lib python-tosca-parser
jpopelka mnemosyne
jreznik cantor
jruzicka python-barbicanclient python-glanceclient python-heatclient
python-keystoneclient python-neutronclient python-novaclient
python-openstackclient python-osc-lib python-saharaclient python-tosca-parser
jspaleta python-basemap
kashyapc python-gerritlib
kevin ansible calibre python-IPy
ktdreyer python-cram
kubo py3status
kumarpraveen python-flask-assets python-webassets
kushal mu
kushal124 python-docx
kwizart blender libfreenect luxcorerender player
larsks python-shade
lbalhar micropipenv
lbazan pydeps python-chaospy python-elpy python-hdmf python-ipmi
python-missingno python-mne-bids python-netssh2 python-numpoly python-pynwb
lberk pcp
limb python-basemap python-pcodedmp python-slackclient
lkundrak coreboot-utils
lmacken python-chameleon python-tw2-core
louizatakk python-slixmpp
lucilanga pyzor
lupinix python-astroML python-astroscrappy python-ccdproc python-gatspy
luya blender luxcorerender
lyessaadi komikku python-pure-protobuf
maci python-apsw
maha python-onionbalance
major pre-commit
marcindulak gpaw
martinkg mlt
maxamillion python-nikola
mbarnes commissaire-client
mchehab zbar
melmorabity python-azure-sdk python-azure-storage
python-googleapis-common-protos python-grpcio-gcp python-msal
python-opencensus-proto python-uamqp
mfabian nototools
mgoodwin pcp
michich python-precis_i18n
mikem module-build-service
mimccune python-saharaclient
minh kdevelop-python
mitr libuser m2crypto
mkrizek libtaskotron
mlisik pcs
mlombard python-simpleparse
mprahl module-build-service python-neo4j-driver
mrunge pyflakes python-cherrypy python-django-formtools python-flake8
python-gnocchiclient python-hacking python-oslo-concurrency python-troveclient
msivak mom
mstuchli python-peewee python-wtf-peewee
msuchy osc
nathans pcp
ngompa ipsilon m2crypto osc python-pytest-flake8
nickblack notcurses
nonamedotc python-jsonrpc-server python-language-server python-qdarkstyle
python-rope python-spyder-kernels
nphilipp lilv
nsaje python-oslo-serialization
nushio calibre
ohaessler Zim
omular pcs
ondrejj TurboGears2 python-tw2-core python-tw2-forms
orion Mayavi paraview python-AppTools python-Traits python-envisage
python-pyface python-scikit-image python-traitsui python-x2go
pabelanger python-keystoneauth1 python-os-client-config python-shade
pbrobinson csound libcec pyee
pcpa sagemath
peter coreboot-utils
pjp python-flask-assets python-webassets
pkilambi python-gnocchiclient
pmoravco 5minute
pnemade ansible-inventory-grapher ansible-lint fonttools python-fs
python-ufoLib2 transtats-cli woffTools
puiterwijk ipsilon
pwalter scribus
pwu nototools
qulogic ocrmypdf python-cartopy python-descartes python-fiona
python-geopandas python-geoplot python-libpysal python-mapclassify
python-mplcairo python-pep8-naming python-pikepdf python-pyshtools python-xarray
qwan module-build-service
radez python-ansible-runner python-cheroot python-cherrypy
python-network-runner python-portend
ralph module-build-service python-chameleon python-tw2-core python-tw2-forms
ramkrsna gdeploy
raphgro python-jep
rathann lazygal mnemosyne
rdieter cantor
rebus python-pyev python-yara
rjmco python-novaclient-os-networks python-novaclient-os-virtual-interfaces
rjones coccinelle
rmattes libfreenect player
robert python-pcodedmp pyzor
roma blender
ryansb python-heatclient
s4504kr blender
sac gdeploy
sagitter paraview petsc4py pymol
sandeeps woffTools
sbonazzo imgbased mom pyflakes
sdgathman cjdns
sdz csound
senderek cryptlib
sergiomb mlt pymol
sergiopr python-photutils python-pywt python-scikit-image
sgallagh python-flake8
sharkcz scribus
shlomif python-freecell_solver
simo ipsilon
slaanesh blender zbar
smani gmsh
smilner commissaire-client
social python-hacking python-oslo-serialization
suanand transtats-cli
sundaram python-flask-assets python-webassets
suraia distro-info
tagoh fonttools
tartina lilv
tc01 python-cocotb
tdabasin python-chameleon
than cantor
tibbs pyzor
timn player
tojeline pcs
tomh pyosmium
toshio ansible
tripledes scribus
ttorling player
ttrinks ansible-review
uwog abiword
vkmc python-designateclient
vkrizan python-peewee
vmaljulin module-build-service
volter python-shapely
wakko666 python-testinfra
wzzrd ansible
xavierb python-f5-icontrol-rest python-f5-sdk
yuvalturg imgbased
zaitcev python-manilaclient
zaneb python-heatclient
zbyszek calibre diffoscope enjarify moose python-asttokens
zdohnal python-pikepdf
zultron freecad
zuul python-ws4py
Miro Hrončok
Phone: +420777974800
IRC: mhroncok
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