...I'm currently exploring further modularization of the xinitrc package, with the following goals in mind:
1) Maximize modularization of all scripts included, in an effort
2) Minimize xinitrc package maintenance via modularization,...
...3) Enable 3rd party window manager rpm packagers to provide drop-in "it works" functionality that integrates with the system without requiring changes to the core of xinitrc.
While this concept may (or may not) sound like a large task, it is seemingly a very very small and simple task IMHO. I've attached a very small and simple patch to implement a solution to this problem to the following bugzilla report: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=142260
I had done the essentially the same thing in a couple months ago:
but my suggested patch also removes all switchdesk references, and hard-coded references to gnome/kde (as well as gdm/kdm).
-- Rex