--- Curtis Doty <Curtis@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I just noticed that the Fedora ethereal rpm requests > net-snmp support but > it is never actually turned on. If this is a bug, > the solution is to > explicitly enable the ssl crypto library; then > net-snmp support will > compile in too. > > Also, I've found the concurrent dns feature quite > handy and have had > success compiling against Dag's adns rpm. I've not > bothered to try the one > in extras. > > Current: > Compiled with GLib 2.4.8, with libpcap 0.8.3, with > libz, > without libpcre, without UCD-SNMP or Net-SNMP, > without ADNS. > > Proposed: > Compiled with GLib 2.4.8, with libpcap 0.8.3, with > libz, > without libpcre, with Net-SNMP 5.1.2, with ADNS. > > Linked is an example diff which also includes a few > missing build deps. > http://www.greenkey.net/~curtis/rpm/src/SPECPATCH/ethereal-0.10.9/ethereal.spec.patch.html > it would be a good idea to put this in bugzilla.redhat.com Regards Rahul Sundaram __________________________________ Celebrate Yahoo!'s 10th Birthday! Yahoo! Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web http://birthday.yahoo.com/netrospective/