* Mon Mar 07 2005 Warren Togami <wtogami@xxxxxxxxxx> 0.11.12-1 - upgrade to 0.11.12 - remove upstreamed patches (0-2, 5-9) - disable patch3, either not needed anymore, or needs rewriting - reverse patch4, because upstream merged its horrible brokenness - test Novell's excessive malloc for new terminals patch v3 (GNOME #160993)
Some TODO items...
1) Test the above packages. Is it any worse in rendering stuff than the previous FC3 or FC4 vte? I hope to push something similar to FC3 updates and FC4 soon.
2) It seems that upstream made a new vte-0.11.12 release with most of Fedora's patches + more stuff. This is good.
Unfortunately they also merged Patch4: vte-0.11.11-fix-update-order.patch which was commented out since late October since it totally screwed up rendering [1]. This is bad. Makes me wonder if they actually TESTED 0.11.12 before releasing it upstream...
So anyway all I did was uncomment the patch4 and add -R to reverse it, and it seems to be working fine. I totally don't know anything about GNOME upstream development, so it would be great if someone could make sure this is reversed upstream too.
3) Patch3: vte-0.11.11-vertical-scroll-ctrl-seq.patch clashes in this new version. It seems that part of it was introduced in the new upstream version. For now I commented it out. Can someone figure out if this patch is no longer needed, or needs to be rewritten?
Thanks, Warren Togami wtogami@xxxxxxxxxx
[1] Run gnome-terminal, type ls, hit ENTER a few times. What should be the bash prompt turned into a black bar. You'll see lots of similar rendering trouble while building something too... like vte.