tir, 01.03.2005 kl. 03.12 skrev Michael Favia: > Eric Warnke wrote: > > > After reviewing the archives of the various lists I have found no > > discussion on the topic of wireless driver inclusion in FC. > > Along these same lines is the Ralink 2500/2400 chip sets. They power a > number of useful 802.11 b/g devices (most notably linksys PCI revision 4 > here in the US which is a large number of devices sold). They gpl'd > their source code back in December IIRC. As wireless NICs are becoming > more popular and network install approach "default" (with FC5 anaconda > and newly discussed capabilities) it will become increasingly more > important to get these "popular" cards under "Just Works" functionality > during installs. What is required to get ootb functionality for a device > like this? Here are some relevant links: > > Ralink site with source: > http://www.ralinktech.com.tw/supp-1.htm > > rt2x00 Open Source Project > http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page > > -mf Same aplies to the adm8211 driver - its all GPL - and heading for the mainline kernel. It just needs to get all fixed up and "perfect" first :)