I have checked with LICENSE and FAQ for the intel driver and firmware and was wondering if it could be included in core. Without those driver it makes most centrino based laptops useless without special handling.
Specifically since I know people will ask, the problem must lie in the firmware since the driver is GPL. The firmware is under a commercial licence that allows redistribution as long as a small number of conditions are met. Distributed by rpm and installed the only condition that needs to be met is that the LICENCE file needs to be installed with the firmware.
"*Your rights to redistribute the Software shall be contingent upon your installation of this Agreement in its entirety in the same directory as the Software.*"
So, is this a non-starter, or can this be accomodated by FC? I know this would be a bog help to the laptop users out there. At least if we can get the driver support in core so that each kernel release does not break laptop support I would be most grateful.
Cheers, Eric