On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 12:09:47PM -0500, Eric Warnke wrote: > After reviewing the archives of the various lists I have found no > discussion on the topic of wireless driver inclusion in FC. > > I have checked with LICENSE and FAQ for the intel driver and firmware > and was wondering if it could be included in core. Without those driver > it makes most centrino based laptops useless without special handling. > > Specifically since I know people will ask, the problem must lie in the > firmware since the driver is GPL. The firmware is under a commercial > licence that allows redistribution as long as a small number of > conditions are met. Distributed by rpm and installed the only condition > that needs to be met is that the LICENCE file needs to be installed with > the firmware. > > http://ipw2100.sourceforge.net/firmware.php?fid=1 > > "*Your rights to redistribute the Software shall be contingent upon your > installation of this Agreement in its entirety in the same directory as > the Software.*" > > > So, is this a non-starter, or can this be accomodated by FC? I know > this would be a bog help to the laptop users out there. At least if we > can get the driver support in core so that each kernel release does not > break laptop support I would be most grateful. Try the packages at http://ATrpms.net/name/ipw2200/ http://ATrpms.net/name/ipw2100/ http://ATrpms.net/name/ipw2200-firmware/ http://ATrpms.net/name/ipw2100-firmware/ and, if you are adventurous http://ATrpms.net/name/ipw2200-testing/ http://ATrpms.net/name/ipw2100-testing/ -- Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net
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