On Tue, Mar 01, 2005 at 09:06:15AM -0500, Paul A Houle wrote: > It may make sense for Fedora to see itself primarily as a DVD product, > and to see the CDs as a secondary product. [...] FWIW: for our X/OS Linux (RHEL rebuild) I include (during the DVD/CD generation process, after the CD "splittree") a file list on the DVD for each CD and the necessary .discinfo files, and a small tool (dvd2cd) that creates a CD ISO (you only have to give the CD sequence number) from a mounted DVD image, including a bootable CD #1 etc. I'll happily post the few bits of code here, if anyone is interested, so that Fedora can include that in their image generate process. I currently do not implant checksums, as this requires that the system on which this is done is a RH-ish system, which may not always be true, but this option can be added easily of course. -- -- Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx> -- X/OS Experts in Open Systems BV | Phone: +31 20 6938364 -- Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Fax: +31 20 6948204