Hi, The recent bump of proj in Rawhide from 4.9.3 to 5.2.0 also bumped the soname from libproj.so.12 to libproj.so.13. The bump of geos in Rawhide from 3.6.1 to 3.7.1 also bumped the soname from libgeos-3.6.1.so to libgeos-3.7.1.so. These bumps should be announced *before* the build has been made. Fortunately, as I was already investigating the possibility of updating proj, I have the list of proj-dependent packages already. I was not looking at geos, but hopefully the list below includes everyone. I have CC'd maintainers on the list to notify them that they will need to rebuild their packages (or I can do it myself at some point if they're busy.) Maintainers by package: R-rgdal qulogic R-rgeos qulogic dans-gdal-scripts volter fawkes rmattes thofmann timn gazebo rmattes gdal alexlan devrim jmlich mmahut oliver orion pali praiskup volter grass daveisfera devrim neteler oliver volter libgeotiff devrim orion volter libosmium tomh librasterlite2 volter libspatialite volter mapnik alexlan tomh mapserver devrim jujens oliver pali merkaartor slankes till ncl orion nodejs-mapnik jamielinux tomh ogdi sharkcz osgearth smani osm2pgsql fab perl-PDL alexl caillon caolanm johnp jplesnik lkundrak mbarnes mmaslano ppisar rhughes rnorwood rstrode ssp pgRouting pkubat volter player kwizart rmattes timn ttorling postgis devrim jmlich maxamillion pkajaba pkubat praiskup pyproj jdekloe python-basemap jspaleta limb python-cartopy qulogic python-mapnik tomh qgis bruno daveisfera volter qlandkartegt sharkcz qmapshack sharkcz qt-mobility company heliocastro rdieter than saga volter shapelib lucilanga smani spatialite-gui volter spatialite-tools jdornak jstanek pkubat volter vfrnav sailer xastir lucilanga Packages by maintainer: alexl perl-PDL alexlan gdal mapnik bruno qgis caillon perl-PDL caolanm perl-PDL company qt-mobility daveisfera grass qgis devrim gdal grass libgeotiff mapserver postgis fab osm2pgsql heliocastro qt-mobility jamielinux nodejs-mapnik jdekloe pyproj jdornak spatialite-tools jmlich gdal postgis johnp perl-PDL jplesnik perl-PDL jspaleta python-basemap jstanek spatialite-tools jujens mapserver kwizart player limb python-basemap lkundrak perl-PDL lucilanga shapelib xastir maxamillion postgis mbarnes perl-PDL mmahut gdal mmaslano perl-PDL neteler grass oliver gdal grass mapserver orion gdal libgeotiff ncl pali gdal mapserver pkajaba postgis pkubat pgRouting postgis spatialite-tools ppisar perl-PDL praiskup gdal postgis qulogic R-rgdal R-rgeos python-cartopy rdieter qt-mobility rhughes perl-PDL rmattes fawkes gazebo player rnorwood perl-PDL rstrode perl-PDL sailer vfrnav sharkcz ogdi qlandkartegt qmapshack slankes merkaartor smani osgearth shapelib ssp perl-PDL than qt-mobility thofmann fawkes till merkaartor timn fawkes player tomh libosmium mapnik nodejs-mapnik python-mapnik ttorling player volter dans-gdal-scripts gdal grass libgeotiff librasterlite2 libspatialite pgRouting qgis saga spatialite-gui spatialite-tools -- Elliott _______________________________________________ devel mailing list -- devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe send an email to devel-leave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Fedora Code of Conduct: https://getfedora.org/code-of-conduct.html List Guidelines: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mailing_list_guidelines List Archives: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx