seth vidal wrote:
Look as Mike Peters has pointed out we're already being beaten up by SUN
marketing. Putting us into Extras makes it an order of magnitude harder
for people to find us, so spare me the double-think.
just one point. When fc3 was released extras was not available. When
fc4 is released extras will be available.
It will also be included an enabled in the default yum.repos.d files.
so then a user running:
yum install abiword
will just get it. No searching, no groping about, it's just there.
To add one more point, starting with FC5 the user will be able to
install AbiWord when through anaconda if it's maintained in FE. The
way I'm thinking is that the FE packages will show up in the package
selection list, hopefully that's how it will be implemented.
It would definitely be great if the FC rpm maintainer at AbiWord could
submit that same package to Fedora Extras and maintain it there.