Re: Orphaning some Java packages

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On 09/24/2018 08:52 PM, Miro Hrončok wrote:
> On 24.9.2018 19:09, Mikolaj Izdebski wrote:
>> I'm in the process of transitioning maintenance of all software to
>> modules only. The reason is that module maintenance is much easier
>> compared to maintenance of non-modular, "ursine" packages.
>> Ideally these packages should be retired instead of orphaning them, but
>> these packages are build-required by a lot of other things.
> This is an interesting situation. If more maintainers will decide to do
> this, we can easily break everything and only have modules, except we
> will no longer have any system to have those modules run on.
> (I'm not saying you shouldn't do this; I'm just really concerned if
> modularity is actually helping Fedora as a whole or if it will
> eventually break it entirely.)

I was hoping for a solution like "ursa-major" described in [1], that
would allow modules to be used as build-dependencies for non-modular
packages. This would allow properly retiring non-modular packages and
maintaining only modules, which would be also used as build dependencies
for non-modular packages. But it seems that currently no one is
interested in implementing such solution.

Java SIG is dying slowly, this package set recently lost another
co-maintainer and I don't have time to maintain all these packages by
myself. Switching to module-only content is probably the best move to
keep high-quality software delivered to our users and reduce maintenance
work at the same time.


Mikolaj Izdebski
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
IRC: mizdebsk
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