On Mon, Feb 21, 2005 at 05:50:03PM -0500, Aaron Luchko wrote: > Is it really necessary that we have mozilla and firefox, thunderbird and I recently had a situation where a .swf wouldn't work using the Macromedia repo's flash plugin on firefox, but it worked fine in mozilla. Not sure why. > evolution, abiword, gnumeric and OpenOffice.org, there are a lot of > areas with redundant packages in core. As well larger games like > tuxracer while nice aren't really necessary for something like core. I agree that games aren't really "core" and could be moved to Extras. Maybe just keep the basic games that are included with GNOME/KDE. > As it is currently a jvm is one of the first things downloaded by a > significant portion of users and java is used by a wide variety of apps. > I think functionality as important as java really needs to be left in > core. If I'm not mistaken, I don't think the stuff in FC-devel can be used to replace a jvm for web applets.