MASS CHANGE announcement: python2- prefix renaming, part 2

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Dear fellow Fedora developers,

I plan to execute part 2 of the renaming. First part was announced and
discussed here [1]. Recently, Iryna Shcherbina announced [2] plans for
a follow up: changing the requirements. Before that happens I want to
finish my renaming. In this round my changes are rather small, only
~80 packages, see the lists below. There's various packages which either
are not on the porting-db list [3], or are particularly complicated [4],
or have been fixed in git but don't build, all of which I'm ignoring
for now.

Short description:
binary Python2 subpackages with a name starting with "python-" or
ending with "-python" will be renamed to "python2-…". Provides/Obsoletes
for the old name are of course added, so upgrades should work and other
packages using the old names do not need to be adjusted.

In the first round, packages which had Requires/Provides under
conditionals were skipped. In this round the renamer script [5] was
improved to support such cases.

If nothing pops up, I'll push the changes and to the rebuilds on Friday.

Squashed diff:
Color version:
(use "curl|less -RF" to view)
Individual diffs:

If you want your package to be excluded, let me know, and I'll add it
to a blacklist.

[4] packages that I'm skipping for now because they seem complicated:
python-mozbase python-qt5 python-slip uwsgi vtk waf pulp-pyton
pki-core pykde4 libsmbios libpeas lcgdm kross-interpreters ceph


Maintainers by package:
ahkab                sophiekovalevsky
firewalld            erig0 jpopelka twoerner
fts-rest             aalvarez andreamanzi simonm
gofed                fale jchaloup
libappindicator      echevemaster lbazan ohaessler tpokorra
libcaca              hubbitus slaanesh thias
libchewing           dchen
libgpod              alexl caillon caolanm chkr gnome-sig johnp limb mbarnes moezroy rhughes rstrode ssp teuf tpokorra
liblouis             mgieseki
libpwquality         tmraz
librapi              awjb
librra               awjb
mirrorbrain          averi
mod_wsgi             jdornak jkaluza jorton lmacken mrunge
nautilus-python      dignan raphgro
pjproject            jsmith
pkgwat               infra-sig ralph
pyflakes             mrunge sbonazzo
pystache             ankursinha bnemec pjp sundaram
python-backports-ssl_match_hostname ianweller infra-sig ralph
python-blessed       abompard aviso
python-cjson         fschwarz hubbitus
python-contexttimer  suanand
python-cssmin        mkrizek qa-tools-sig
python-datanommer-models infra-sig ralph
python-dirq          lcons mpaladin stevetraylen
python-django-dynamite lbazan
python-django-filter bkabrda churchyard lbazan
python-django-socialregistration coolsvap
python-docker-py     lsm5 mstuchli ttomecek
python-editor        apevec infra-sig ralph social
python-eyed3         amigadave bpepple cicku pjp
python-flask-images  alexove echevemaster
python-flask-wtf     kumarpraveen pjp sundaram tflink
python-fmn-lib       infra-sig ralph sayanchowdhury
python-fmn-web       infra-sig ralph sayanchowdhury
python-inflect       dshea
python-kajiki        infra-sig ralph
python-meh           clumens m4rtink vpodzime
python-memcached     apevec hguemar kevin sgallagh
python-messaging     lcons mpaladin
python-narcissus-app ralph
python-networking-bigswitch xinwu
python-nine          ralph
python-port-for      suanand
python-postman       wakko666
python-pyramid-chameleon bowlofeggs lmacken python-sig
python-qrcode        fab salimma
python-repoze-who    lmacken
python-requestbuilder gholms
python-requests-mock apevec jamielennox openstack-sig
python-rhsm          alikins awood bkearney
python-simplepath    suanand
python-simplevisor   adev lcons mpaladin
python-sparklines    ralph
python-sphinx-autobuild suanand
python-sphinxcontrib-cheeseshop besser82
python-sqlalchemy-utils pingou
python-straight-plugin pingou
python-summershum    infra-sig pingou
python-taskw         ralph
python-trollius      iwienand mrunge
python-tw2-jit       ralph
python-tw2-sqla      ralph
python-txamqp        dcallagh
python-websocket-client ralph
python-xcffib        cicku jdulaney
python-xmlbuilder    fab
pyxattr              kevin szpak
qpid-proton          irina
redland-bindings     thomasvs
sip                  kde-sig rdieter than
skf                  mtasaka
sphinxtrain          jjames
subversion           jorton
totpcgi              herlo icon kevin
unbound              pavlix pemensik pwouters thozza
vertica-python       kubo
z3                   jjames
zanata-python-client anishpatil dchen jamesni pnemade robyduck seanf suanand

Packages by maintainer:
aalvarez   fts-rest
abompard   python-blessed
adev       python-simplevisor
alexl      libgpod
alexove    python-flask-images
alikins    python-rhsm
amigadave  python-eyed3
andreamanzi fts-rest
anishpatil zanata-python-client
ankursinha pystache
apevec     python-editor python-memcached python-requests-mock
averi      mirrorbrain
aviso      python-blessed
awjb       librapi librra
awood      python-rhsm
besser82   python-sphinxcontrib-cheeseshop
bkabrda    python-django-filter
bkearney   python-rhsm
bnemec     pystache
bowlofeggs python-pyramid-chameleon
bpepple    python-eyed3
caillon    libgpod
caolanm    libgpod
chkr       libgpod
churchyard python-django-filter
cicku      python-eyed3 python-xcffib
clumens    python-meh
coolsvap   python-django-socialregistration
dcallagh   python-txamqp
dchen      libchewing zanata-python-client
dignan     nautilus-python
dshea      python-inflect
echevemaster libappindicator python-flask-images
erig0      firewalld
fab        python-qrcode python-xmlbuilder
fale       gofed
fschwarz   python-cjson
gholms     python-requestbuilder
gnome-sig  libgpod
herlo      totpcgi
hguemar    python-memcached
hubbitus   libcaca python-cjson
ianweller  python-backports-ssl_match_hostname
icon       totpcgi
infra-sig  pkgwat python-backports-ssl_match_hostname python-datanommer-models python-editor python-fmn-lib python-fmn-web python-kajiki python-summershum
irina      qpid-proton
iwienand   python-trollius
jamesni    zanata-python-client
jamielennox python-requests-mock
jchaloup   gofed
jdornak    mod_wsgi
jdulaney   python-xcffib
jjames     sphinxtrain z3
jkaluza    mod_wsgi
johnp      libgpod
jorton     mod_wsgi subversion
jpopelka   firewalld
jsmith     pjproject
kde-sig    sip
kevin      python-memcached pyxattr totpcgi
kubo       vertica-python
kumarpraveen python-flask-wtf
lbazan     libappindicator python-django-dynamite python-django-filter
lcons      python-dirq python-messaging python-simplevisor
limb       libgpod
lmacken    mod_wsgi python-pyramid-chameleon python-repoze-who
lsm5       python-docker-py
m4rtink    python-meh
mbarnes    libgpod
mgieseki   liblouis
mkrizek    python-cssmin
moezroy    libgpod
mpaladin   python-dirq python-messaging python-simplevisor
mrunge     mod_wsgi pyflakes python-trollius
mstuchli   python-docker-py
mtasaka    skf
ohaessler  libappindicator
openstack-sig python-requests-mock
pavlix     unbound
pemensik   unbound
pingou     python-sqlalchemy-utils python-straight-plugin python-summershum
pjp        pystache python-eyed3 python-flask-wtf
pnemade    zanata-python-client
pwouters   unbound
python-sig python-pyramid-chameleon
qa-tools-sig python-cssmin
ralph      pkgwat python-backports-ssl_match_hostname python-datanommer-models python-editor python-fmn-lib python-fmn-web python-kajiki python-narcissus-app python-nine python-sparklines python-taskw python-tw2-jit python-tw2-sqla python-websocket-client
raphgro    nautilus-python
rdieter    sip
rhughes    libgpod
robyduck   zanata-python-client
rstrode    libgpod
salimma    python-qrcode
sayanchowdhury python-fmn-lib python-fmn-web
sbonazzo   pyflakes
seanf      zanata-python-client
sgallagh   python-memcached
simonm     fts-rest
slaanesh   libcaca
social     python-editor
sophiekovalevsky ahkab
ssp        libgpod
stevetraylen python-dirq
suanand    python-contexttimer python-port-for python-simplepath python-sphinx-autobuild zanata-python-client
sundaram   pystache python-flask-wtf
szpak      pyxattr
teuf       libgpod
tflink     python-flask-wtf
than       sip
thias      libcaca
thomasvs   redland-bindings
thozza     unbound
tmraz      libpwquality
tpokorra   libappindicator libgpod
ttomecek   python-docker-py
twoerner   firewalld
vpodzime   python-meh
wakko666   python-postman
xinwu      python-networking-bigswitch
devel mailing list -- devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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