On Mon, 2005-01-31 at 19:26 +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote: > Hi > > > Yes. But it isn't mandatory. They are broken, but they only look broken in > > firefox@fc3 - so people believe that firefox is broken. > > it isnt mandatory. it is just a good design issue. firefox doesnt > emulate IE quirks perfectly either. people believe firefox is broken > on those IE specific websites too. thats a user education problem. > > > And yes, i do also remember that Mosaic had a gray background. 10 years ago. > > > > So, please, please set the *default* settings so that most pages doesn't > > look broken. > if this is going to be done, change the gnome system colors on the > whole to reflect this inorder to be consistent Actually, a web browser is a little like getting a ream of paper. While you can get paper in a range of colors, when you ask your mate to grab a ream of paper when he's at the office supplies, you expect him to come back with a ream of 'white' paper, and almost all your documents are set up for white paper unless you particularly wanted a different color. The same thing should happen with web-browsers. User's expect a white background. Hell, a lot of bad web designers expect a white background. It might be worth asking the mozilla guys why the default background color changed from grey to white. I suspect that it had something to do with the fact that most users just went and changed the color to white because the grey was annoying (they expected white). Rodd -- >From the pain come the dream >From the dream come the vision >From the vision come the people >From the people come the power >From this power come the change - Peter Gabriel