On Mon, 2005-01-31 at 13:42 -0600, Chris Adams wrote: > Once upon a time, Bill Nottingham <notting@xxxxxxxxxx> said: > > Kyrre Ness Sjobak (kyrre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) said: > > > What about simple "play that .mp3, i want to know what's in it" kind of > > > use? I must admit that i still use XMMS for that - it just works. Having > > > a libary isn't always what you want. So i have xmms as my default player > > > for all audio files. When i want to listen to an album i ripped (etc), i > > > fire up rythmbox, import the files if neccessary, and play it. > > > > Commandline? madplay or similar. > > > > I'd assume in the filemanager there would be something small that > > would launch on doubleclick. But I could be wrong. > > In FC3 (with MP3 support added via livna for xmms and gstreamer)), I > opened nautilus and double clicked on an MP3. It brought up the Helix > Player Setup Assistant. That just goes through the release notes (kind > of dumb), then brings up a box that says that there is a "component > missing" with a "Get RealPlayer" button. This is a complex issue, but basically what it boils down to is that /usr/share/applications/defaults.list can only contain one application for each MIME type. Once we fix that, we can ensure that e.g. if you don't have HelixPlayer installed but do have totem, you get totem. > With all the discussion that rhythmbox makes xmms unneeded (so it should > be removed from Core), why do we also have Helix Player in Core (or is > Helix Player supposed to replace rhythmbox and xmms)? Helix and Rhythmbox are pretty different. > Is it possible to > add plugins to Helix Player to get MP3 (and other format) support as > easily as for rhythmbox and xmms? Not as far as I know.