tor 2005-01-27 klockan 12:53 -0500 skrev Andrew Overholt: > * Nick Bargnesi <nbargnesi@xxxxxxxxx> [2005-01-27 12:49]: > > > > Love to help with testing. I use Eclipse 3.1M4 daily. > > Awesome! I'll probably get some 3.1 RPMs in there early next week. > Testing the 3.0.1 RPMs that are there now would also help. I installed 3.1M4 from rawhide when it was in there. It launched, but performance was so-so and stability less than perfect. It's now been replced with 3.0.1_fc-8, which does not start anymore. This is printed on stdout: -bash-3.00$ eclipse libgcj failure: Duplicate class registration: java.awt.image.RenderedImage Warning: -Xms64M not understood. Ignoring. Warning: -Xmx256M not understood. Ignoring. libgcj failure: Duplicate class registration: java.awt.image.RenderedImage and after ~5-10 seconds of using 100% cpu, a window pops up with the following error: JVM terminated. Exit code=1 /usr/bin/java -Xms64M -Xmx256M -Dorg.eclipse.core.runtime.ignoreLockFile=true -Dgnu.gcj.runtime.VMClassLoader.library_control=never -Dgnu.gcj.precompiled.db.path=/usr/lib/eclipse/eclipse.db -cp /usr/share/eclipse/startup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main -os linux -ws gtk -arch x86 -showsplash /usr/share/eclipse/eclipse -showsplash 600 -exitdata /usr/share/eclipse/eclipse -exitdata 2130026 -data /home/builder/workspace -vm /usr/bin/java -vmargs -Xms64M -Xmx256M -Dorg.eclipse.core.runtime.ignoreLockFile=true -Dgnu.gcj.runtime.VMClassLoader.library_control=never -Dgnu.gcj.precompiled.db.path=/usr/lib/eclipse/eclipse.db -cp /usr/share/eclipse/startup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main Here's what's installed: -bash-3.00$ rpm -qa | grep "gcj4\|eclipse" eclipse-ecj-3.0.1_fc-8 eclipse-platform-3.0.1_fc-8 eclipse-jdt-3.0.1_fc-8 eclipse-source-3.0.1_fc-8 libgcj4-4.0.0-0.21 eclipse-gtk2-3.0.1_fc-8 eclipse-pde-3.0.1_fc-8 libgcj4-devel-4.0.0-0.21 /Peter