Re: [Test-Announce] Fedora 24 Candidate Beta-1.1 Available Now!

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On 28/04/16 16:31, Adam Williamson wrote:
On Thu, 2016-04-28 at 10:00 +0100, Tom Hughes wrote:
On 28/04/16 08:10, rawhide@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

You can see all results, find testing instructions and image download
locations, and enter results on the Summary page:
Is it just me or is there nothing on that page that provides the
promised image download locations?
Man, I don't know why *everyone* goes to the summary page and looks for
the download links, I guess I need to do something about that :/

the summary page is built with clever magic wiki voodoo out of the
other pages; the way it works it can either include the download links
from *every* page, or from *none*. I went with none, because you don't
want the download table popping up five times and making the summary
page even longer.

But I can probably add the download table directly into the Summary
page before it transcludes the individual result pages, I guess.

For now - the download links are in the individual pages, but not the
summary page. Sorry!
I was just trying to help out somebody on IRC that was asking where to 
find them, and saw the email and description of that link as including 
image download locations and then couldn't find them.
As far as I can see the only way to actually find them from that page is 
to edit it and then see what it is transcluding and go visit one of 
those pages, which is not exactly obvious ;-)
Anyway, thanks for the explanation.


Tom Hughes (tom@xxxxxxxxxx)
devel mailing list

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