On 02/03/2016 11:28 PM, Felix Miata wrote:
Problem #2:
A way to work around problem #1 is with wildcards, e.g.
# dnf update g* i*, kd*, kf*, q*, per*, pyt*, u*, v*, x* y*, z*
When this example is used following observance of problem #1, DNF naturally
skips downloading packages already downloaded and meeting the cmdline spec,
and silently deletes all already downloaded packages not meeting the spec, so
that when e.g. the following is run
# dnf a* b* c* d* e* f* h*
If the standard behavior does not fit your needs, you can easily turn it
off by keepcache=1 and take care of downloaded packages by yourself
('dnf clean packages') or you can propose an improvement of the current
behavior that is documented here [1].
[1] http://dnf.readthedocs.org/en/latest/conf_ref.html
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