Once upon a time, Richard June <rjune@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> said: > Wow, that's ugly for both users and root. > why not set root's foreground to blink? Because blinking is damn annoying. If anyone is going to do anything like this, please use tput to get terminal capabilities before doing it (not everyone uses the same terminal, not all terminals have color, and not all terminals use the same escape sequences). Something like: colors=`tput colors` if [ `id -un` = root ]; then if ((${colors:-0} > 7)); then standout=`tput setaf 5` else standout=`tput bold` fi else if ((${colors:-0} > 7)); then standout=`tput setaf 6` else standout="" fi fi if [ "$standout" != "" ]; then normal=`tput sgr0` if ((${colors:-0} > 7)); then other=`tput setaf 2` else other="$normal" fi if [ "$normal" = "" ]; then standout="" other="" else standout="\[$standout\]" other="\[$other\]" normal="\[$normal\]" fi fi PS1="${other}[${standout}\u@\h \W${other}]\$${normal} " unset standout other normal -- Chris Adams <cmadams@xxxxxxxxxx> Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.