El 2014-11-27 11:24, Reindl Harald escribió:
Am 27.11.2014 um 11:15 schrieb Vratislav Podzimek:
On Wed, 2014-11-26 at 16:27 -0500, Corey Sheldon wrote:
Juan no need inst.zram=on on install on first boot modprobe
zram ; systemctl start zram voila I use the default one in f21b
no issues
For now. But the anaconda's zram.service is tailored to provide zram
swap for the installation process. Future changes in it may make it
unusable for general purpose usage on an installed system.
So packaging something general-purpose it definitely the right way to
go. Reindl's scripts look good to me, I'd just suggest adding a
configuration option for setting the maximum RAM for the zram swap
created. It doesn't make much sense to use it on systems with e.g. 32
GiB of RAM. That's by the way one of the tweaks the anaconda's version
of the scripts+service has (hardcoded, though)
"my script" supports a "percent of total RAM config" which i don't
ship with the RPM because it's meant for internal usage (it's BTW a
result of Google around after face the zram module with new kernels,
took existing snippets from several sources, made them easier, fixed
some bugs and introduced the systemd-unit)
[root@mail-gw:~]$ cat /etc/sysconfig/zram
Reindl, I'm of the opinion you should upload your scripts to some git
repository and package them to be part of the distribution. I can
co-maintain if you wish.
Juan Orti
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