For some time I am looking for a reason to test the Lua RPM feature:
Can you point me to the .spec in the question and a few more words
which is the desired result.
Kind Regards,
Hi Alek,
I've uploaded the spec here [1]. About the scenario and the desired
result: when creating mingw packages for projects with buildsystems for
which no pretty rpm macros (such as %mingw_configure) exist, on
basically needs to write near identical portions of the spec file for
mingw32 and mingw64. Here, I additionally experimented with supporting
both qt4 and qt5 builds, so I ended up with four nearly identical spec
blocks. (Note: lots of the messy stuff in the spec is because the qmake
support for "make install" isn't that great, plus the fact that the
naming of dynamic, import and static library as done by qmake is
incorrect. Possibly there is a better way to fix those things.)
As a general note: I ended up using this "macro magic" mostly out of
curiosity, so I wouldn't take this case too seriously (though I must say
that I like the compactness of the resulting spec file). Anyhow, if you
are looking for a good test case, I guess this should do just fine ;)
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