On 08/22/2013 09:10 AM, Ondrej Vasik wrote:
On Wed, 2013-08-21 at 18:45 +0000, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:
I perfectly understand the reasons for the change and I think we should
definitely change it at least on the login screen (I like the one
additional line idea from Simo). In the terminal label, full hostname
might make sense as well. But I don't like the idea for the command line
PS1 change. Even if I don't have too long FQDN, it will extend my basic
prompt from 23 to 38 (almost half of 80 chars) on 1 system I use most
and to 20 to 43 on another one. This is imho too much (so if the final
decision would be to change \h to \H, I'm going to change the default
PS1 back on my machine anyway).
Having hostname as separate line will make cut&paste of command sequence
from terminal harder to read. I know that many users modify the basic
PS1 anyway, but IMHO nothing blocks you from having modified PS1 in
~/.bashrc (or directly in /etc/skel/).
I think defaulting to long hostname is better and users can always
override this to the short one encase they have to long hostnames.
The other issue I would like to get some comments on is that we default
to setting an empty root password which will allow administrators to log
into containers as root and set the root password as well as removing
few line from spin kickstarts as well being beneficial to the arm
Maybe this could be solved by ssh key in .ssh subdir in /etc/skel and
having containers copying these files for root/container users. This way
you should be able to login without password via ssh from your machine,
but still would be safe for the common usecases.
Defaulting to empty root password is IMHO bad idea (-1 from me), we have
to think about other ways how to achieve this.
Agreed let's solve this differently.
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