Greetings all
After sitting Dan's Walsh Secure Linux Containers talk at flock where he
mentioned him and Dan B. had successfully scaled application containers
to what 8000 instances or so and I noticing that his slide where a bit
dated due to the changes in croup I decided to have a look at the
current state in systemd to see what we needed to fix and properly
integrate those changes into Fedora and deliver good out of the box
container experience for our administrators and users as well as
document those changes ( early readers can jump here [1] just note this
page is a work in progress ).
Now I've been poking and prodding, fixing and preparing us for those
upcoming cgroup changes in systemd in relation to Linux OS Containers
known as "machine slices"
( Essentially this feature [2] which btw does not work as advertised
due to several bugs in various places ).
Now aiming at achieving some simple practical steps something like this
for administrators to use
# btrfs subvolume create /containers/
Install minimal package set into the OS container being created
# yum -y --releasever=rawhide --nogpg
--installroot=/containers/ --disablerepo='*'
--enablerepo=fedora install systemd passwd yum fedora-release
vim-minimal procps-ng
Spawn the container and set the machine hostname
# systemd-nspawn -jbD /containers/ -M
( perfect admin steps for setup would stop here but due to several bugs
additional steps and workarounds are needed at this point )
And I have come across a bit of scalability issue due to us defaulting
to using short hostnames in login and command prompt when creating OS
containers in any real numbers.
Now for those that are not familiar with our default using the short
fqdn it cuts the fqdn at the highest level domain as in the first "dot"
so in the sample case the login and command line promt is shown as
That scalability problem comes immediately apparent when you would
create the next container01 for the next second level domain like you as an ISP would be hosting, it would be also
showing "container01" at the login and command line prompt just begging
for administrative mistake and headaches.
I would like us to change our default to use long hostname instead as in
the fqdn or "" and would love any kind of feed back
in that regard ( why we should not default to that ).
The downside of doing that ofcourse if you have like 6 level domain name
in your infrastructure like "i'" it might
become a bit of a nuance but administrators could always revert those
change to use short hostname instead if that was the case.
The other issue I would like to get some comments on is that we default
to setting an empty root password which will allow administrators to log
into containers as root and set the root password as well as removing
few line from spin kickstarts as well being beneficial to the arm
Now the only reason I see for not doing this is because on the releng
dvd installs we enable ssh by default ( which we arguably should not be
doing ) but the argument can be made in that regard that we leave the
users anyway open to bruteforce attacks out of the box without them even
knowing that it's happening so it comes as bit of security through
obscurity not allowing this in the first place.
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