Earlier this evening I was asked how I expected Fedora to function in
any way similarly to how it does now without the backing of one or more
organizations like Red Hat.
I gave the quick answer "through donations" since I was not in mood to
give the detailed answers ( and taint that thread even further ) however
I'm about do it here to certain extent since the questioner probably did
not expect me to have actually given this any thought which I actually
have although I have not chiselled it into stone, making it the concrete
proposal the community demands since it's just a small fraction of a
larger idea or rather vision I have but I have decide it be the correct
time to share that part of that vision of mine with the rest of the
community to gather feedback.
Now as I see it the model to achieve this already exist there as in wild
and is called "Crowd funding" the tricky part is altering it so it can
be apply and implementing it into the project successfully and make it
attractive to participate along with making our project a bit attracting
to contributors.
Obvious we cannot have crowd funding for every moving part in Fedora
that would just be ludicrous so we need to apply that concept upon the
entire project, as in Fedora would be just a one crowd founded project.
Fedora as an one crowd founded project requires us to categorize divide
and split it into tasks to prevent us from taking the ability from our
donors, to control where their donations flows for example.
I as a donor donating $20 would like those to run to
a) To the entire project to allocate it where it's most is needed.
b) To a specific sub-community within the project to allocate it where
it's most is needed.
c) To a specific task or event within an sub-community
d) To a specific component/project within the community to allocate it
where it's most is needed.
e) To a specific task ( bug fix/rfe/design bounty could/should be set
for those ) within the component/project within the community
f) Hosting/hardware/bandwith
g) Swag
h) Documentation
i) Design
j) <insert what you think the above does not cover >
Out of each donation we would take 10% hosting tax to ensure that we
could afford our hosting, any excessive money to the hosting would be
return to a) which could then allocate where it's most is needed within
the project as well as a) could cover the hosting cost if the taxation
itself would not cover it.
e) could be attractive to individuals between jobs, students or others
to gain additional $$$ dollars on the side ( or re-donate if you dont
need it ) since that bounty for the bug he/her/they fix,the RFE
he/her/they implement or the design he,her,they create could run
directly into his or hers or that teams pocket, making Fedora a bit more
attractive to participate in for developers and others.
The implementation of something like the above should be in centralized
community platform ( atleas't a part of one ) instead of it's own
donation platform ( from my point of view )
Now something like this we could perhaps implement to begin with as
additional funding source to our sponsor to see if and how well it takes
Thought's comment flames?
( this probably breaks all kinds of legal/taxing rules and regulations
in the states regardless of it being peoples donations)
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