Le Lun 22 juillet 2013 18:29, Lennart Poettering a écrit : > If you want to centralize system configuration, rather then services, > then go ahead and do, that, but actually centralize *the configuration*, > not the service. In particular, because a centralized client-side SMTP > service is a really questionnable thing on today's Internet where SMTP > delivery connections are almost always authenticated by a *user* id. Due > to that they are generally much better configured in the MUA which > actually run in the user context instead of a system service which lacks > all that and where no infrastructure exists for supplying user > authentication information. Actually, with the various Fedora MUAs I've used, it ended up being easier to configure them to use local MTA as relay than to try to convince them individually to do anything more complex than 'non-encrypted smtp without auth' (when the options existed they changed every few MUA versions and I got tired of re-parametring them all the time). Bonus point is that changing the relay options fixes all MUAs in one go, I got free logging of the MUA activity, and a send queue that does not depend on running the MUA when the network comes back. To be sure, it would be cleaner it the connexion user when relaying depended on the system user that emitted the message. I've not checked if it was possible or easy to do it. Regards, -- Nicolas Mailhot -- devel mailing list devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel