Re: wired ethernet disabled between reboots, was: when startup delays become bugs

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Am 21.05.2013 22:25, schrieb Chris Murphy:
> On May 21, 2013, at 2:07 PM, Reindl Harald <h.reindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Am 21.05.2013 22:02, schrieb Chris Murphy:
>>> Maybe someone can explain to me the use case for ONBOOT= where its value isn't tied 
>>> to the current network state. I wasted an inordinate,  unreasonable amount of time 
>>> trying to figure this out before I realized what was going on
>> why should ONBOOT tied to the *current* state?
> Common and reasonable user expectation, at least in a GUI.

you notice the word *boot* contained in ONBOOT?

>> it simply controls if a interface is brought up at
>> boot or not - not more and not less
> It's an unusual convention.

no it is named as exactly what it does
it is common since decades that ifcfg-files contain ONBOOT

>> the use case is easy and simple:
>> i have a spare network for testings on one of my machines
>> most of the time it is not useed and so not started
>> if i need it "ifup eth1"
> What is the negative side effect of it being On at reboot, when it was left On at the time you initiated the reboot?

* longer boot time at all and especially if DHCP is enabled
* the ip address of the interface is usually routed over a different network/interface
* my testing network may not be present at all

> I don't disable my cabled connection or wireless connections, just because I only
>  use one at a time. I leave them both on and I expect a modern OS to use the available one

and i am living in a servers world where *magic is avoided*

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